United Nations style global tax on American citizens?


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Don't you just love our New World Order buracrats? Someone tell me again what is the definition of a traitor?

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Don't you just love our New World Order buracrats? Someone tell me again what is the definition of a traitor?

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Maybe those people who believe we should withdraw from the UN are not totally wrong after all?

Dear Senator Obama...

Kiss my grits! If you want to donate wealth to a bunch of third world thugs do so out of your own bank account...NOT MINE!

In Closing,

Very Respectfully,
The US tax Payers
I totally disagree with this bill of course, but I don't think it's going anywhere fast. Link Removed. No one has signed on to support this thing since September of last year. It's clearly not the most popular piece of legislation out there and will probably just expire when the new Congress comes in.

I'm constantly hearing about terrible-sounding bills that are "currently being considered in Congress"...crazy ideas that make us give $100 billion to third-world countries, move the capital to San Francisco, or whatever. It's really important to remember though...any fringe member of Congress can draft a bill and get it into committee, but that doesn't mean it has any kind of serious chance of getting signed into law. People typically propose these things that will never see the light of day to play to their constituents; co-sponsors do the same. It's probably better to keep an eye on objectionable bills that actually have a shot at passing, and spend energy opposing those.

I totally disagree with this bill of course, but I don't think it's going anywhere fast. Link Removed. No one has signed on to support this thing since September of last year. It's clearly not the most popular piece of legislation out there and will probably just expire when the new Congress comes in.

I'm constantly hearing about terrible-sounding bills that are "currently being considered in Congress"...crazy ideas that make us give $100 billion to third-world countries, move the capital to San Francisco, or whatever. It's really important to remember though...any fringe member of Congress can draft a bill and get it into committee, but that doesn't mean it has any kind of serious chance of getting signed into law. People typically propose these things that will never see the light of day to play to their constituents; co-sponsors do the same. It's probably better to keep an eye on objectionable bills that actually have a shot at passing, and spend energy opposing those.

What I am afraid of is it may not see the light of day until after the election but then move quickly after that. our politicians may not want to do anything with it in an election year but next year nothing would surprise me.
What I am afraid of is it may not see the light of day until after the election but then move quickly after that. our politicians may not want to do anything with it in an election year but next year nothing would surprise me.
If Obama were elected and it was on his priority list, it might get more support.

Otherwise, it'll probably come back in 2010, the same people will sign on again and then it'll just sit there until 2012. I don't see much of a motive for most people to vote favorably on it. Monsanto or some huge food distributor might support it if they think they can get some sales off it, but in lieu of that, it's just going to gather dust.