UnEducated TOOL!

I could say a lot about this but I do not have the time. What happened in his life to make him feel this way. Did some one close to him get killed in a gang. Just like to know. This young man is a mess. AND JUST SO WRONG!
I also like the fact he used Hitler to prove his point. Read your history and if you like what China is doing move there.
Ther is a lot of miss-information, lies and just total crap in this young person's utube posting it is hard to keep up with. It sounds like something happened to his brother, either got killed by someone or his brother killed someone with a gun. Whatever happened he is blaming the gun and not the the person that did the wrong.
I couldn't even listen to the whole rant. I'm sorry if something happened to his brother but maybe things would've turned out differently if he had been trained in the use of a GUN!

This smarmy butt-head needs a serious ass-whipping. The outcome would be: 1) that he decides that HANDS can hurt or kill people and should therefore all be chopped off; or 2) make him think seriously about, wait for it, arming himself! :wacko:
I did not get much into it but a few seconds, Maybe his dad works for Richard Daily (?) :fie:

At any rate, a waste of bandwidth
Wow! I actually feel bad for this guy. Watch his gestures and his eyes through the videos. He's genuinely paranoid, and whether or not we can justify why doesn't matter. Nobody will ever change his mind so it's not even worth trying.
Wow! I actually feel bad for this guy. Watch his gestures and his eyes through the videos. He's genuinely paranoid, and whether or not we can justify why doesn't matter. Nobody will ever change his mind so it's not even worth trying.

I did notice the gestures and eyes, and my conslusion was he is coked up. Notice how he repeatedly wipes his nose with his index finger.
"News at 11: Delorean shirts and backwards caps incite retardation. Oh wait... "

Ohh that was hilarious.

Common guys, we need to ban guns....it's for the children:sarcastic:

Anyways, what a poor misguided soul. He also believes that there are 57 states in the union, which is news to me.
I did notice the gestures and eyes, and my conslusion was he is coked up. Notice how he repeatedly wipes his nose with his index finger.

I was thinking coke or heroine myself. He's definitely on something, but he also has serious paranoia about guns.
WOW, This is what you call a liberal anti if I've ever seen one before. I like the little "fact" window in the outdoor video that states "only police, government and celeberties should own guns" Celeberties? really why are they special in his eyes? I'm not even going to waist my time finding his blog site to try to educate him because it would be a total waste of my time.
"News at 11: Delorean shirts and backwards caps incite retardation. Oh wait... "

Ohh that was hilarious.

Common guys, we need to ban guns....it's for the children:sarcastic:

Anyways, what a poor misguided soul. He also believes that there are 57 states in the union, which is news to me.

He also believes that there are 57 states in the union, which is news to me

He must have went to the same school as Obama.
What happens when this "Guy" comes to your door with resume in hand? I think he's going to be hungruy a couple more days.
I watched most of his videos he as about two to three more but i did not bother posting them. You can find them by going to his page on youtube. I love how he says the 22 will not kill you LOL. Last time i checked a 22 round will do more damage then a 45acp or 45 gap round. The 45's make big holes and are in and out last time i checked? The 22 likes to bounce around like a pinball does it not?
Just another Retard who's been continuously educated by MTV, BET, MSNBC and Oprah by watching endless hours of digitally translated garbage throughout his entire childhood. The most challenging thing he's ever accomplished in life is being the best Video Gamer on his block and winner of the" Jackass: the Movie" Trivia Contest. The only people that could possibly take him seriously, are those with a much lower IQ than his. Unfortunately nowadays, that's a large number of people.
Just another Retard who's been continuously educated by MTV, BET, MSNBC and Oprah by watching endless hours of digitally translated garbage throughout his entire childhood. The most challenging thing he's ever accomplished in life is being the best Video Gamer on his block and winner of the" Jackass: the Movie" Trivia Contest. The only people that could possibly take him seriously, are those with a much lower IQ than his. Unfortunately nowadays, that's a large number of people.

BINGO!! Right on the money!! The media and people like him is why obummer was elected!

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