Un-american, and Un-informed


New member
The Brady Bunch ( Brady campaign)---Un-american, and Un-informed. Yea--The brady campaign--A bunch of morons feeding on the fear of the un-knowing to pass laws restricting honest citizens and impowering the criminal to reak havic on the unarmed citizen. Hey---I got a real cool idea--let's outlaw guns, make it hard for the honest american to own a gun, make it difficult to get the ammo for that gun, make him lock it up, dismantle it, or what ever it takes to make it useless---in the time of NEED. Lord know's--We must protect, the right's of the criminal. It is HIS right--to live without anyone putting a 45 Hollow Point in him.

As I have said before, I don't think the Brady Bunch and their ilk suffer from a lack of knowledge. It is not that they do not really know what the 2nd amendment says. It is not that they can't comprehend "original intent". It is not that they are ignorant in regards to the facts about crimes and gun. They don't care. They just want guns out of our hands. They want America unarmed. They have contempt for our constitution and are enemies of our sovereign nation.
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Your words could not be More true HK4U, Brady and company do not "Truly" believe in a world, that is violence free via gun contro. So given the Fact, that even the Brady Campaign can see the facts, and understand that the so-called Gun Control bill's are having NO effect on crime, in fact---the statistic's prove their agenda incorrect. Or is it---Is the true agenda of the Brady Bunch and the major Anti-Gun Org's stance on Gun control--nothing more than the disarming of the people of this nation, making them subject to the rule of the government? Though my statement may sound "Stupid"--at one time in this country, if you had sais "Man would Land on the Moon"----the people would have pushed you aside on the basis that you were stupid--"We The People" are only Free, because no one will invade a nation that has a GUN behind every tree!!!!!!!!!
have you ever been to their site? it's all a bunch of heart tugging pile of emotion crap. it's like a storybook for the left. they actually have a grading system for states in terms of gun control. Of course Kommiefornia is right up there. These people won't stop until their mission is complete.

To attack the very rights our forefathers gave us is IMHO, traitorlike. they play right into the hands of the communists we have in the house and senate.
I think it's all part of a bigger plan to take away our freedom.. the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the constitution.. that is why they are having such a hard time with taking away our rights. I think they know what it means. but they are trying to find ways to twist and turn the meanings to make it mean what they want it to mean. there is so much actual evil in this world. they will not stop until the power and control is theirs. until we are subjects, not citizens. anyone who reads the scriptures can see this stuff happening everyday.
I may piss a few people off here, but I think that the Brady bunch's intentions are actually good (not saying I agree with them, though). Their rationale is if there are fewer guns out there, then fewer people will get killed with them, which, in theory is true. In practice, however, such a scheme is impossible to achieve because, no matter how many laws get passed restricting firearm ownership, bad people are always going to have them and use them against good people.
As I have said before, I don't think the Brady Bunch and their ilk suffer from a lack of knowledge. It is not that they do not really know what the 2nd amendment says. It is not that they can't comprehend "original intent". It is not that they are ignorant in regards to the facts about crimes and gun. They don't care. They just want guns out of our hands. They want America unarmed. They have contempt for our constitution and are enemies of our sovereign nation.

What they don't understand is that diarming law abiding citizens will make things worse. More murders, rapes and robberies will occur. The cirminals will have it easier than they do now. It will be like Christmas for them.