Rumor has it that a large number of CCW permit holders were arrested for various offenses earlier in the year. Because of that, virtually all permits are now being issued restricted. This change occurred in June.
I don't know if it was a large number--I imagine it would only take a few for the issuing judges to start getting squeamish. This is all just hearsay too, but the rumor I heard was that some judge or judges found themselves presiding over felony cases involving defendants whose permits they had signed. That's got to make a judge nervous. You and I and the lamp-post know that there isn't a significant amount of crime that is caused by CCW permit holders "going rogue," but the anti-gun forces would certainly like general public to believe that. Judges are elected officials, and they're sensitive to that kind of thing.
Judges have so much discretionary power--that's part of the problem. The state has no clear issue criteria, and the judges are putting their reputations on the line every time they sign a permit. I don't like restricted permits, but in some ways they're a compromise; upstate judges might otherwise start to follow the city pattern and reject permits right and left by setting arbitrary "need" criteria. That would suck.
If Ulster County ends up with mandatory training for concealed carry, it won't be the end of the world; training is good, right? By rights the county should provide this training free of charge, but given the current fiscal condition of this county, that's got a Sno-Cone's chance in Hades.