New member
Here's 2 links to gun shows for 2009 U.S.-wide listings:
Gun Show List covering United States (good searchable listings)
Miwall Corporation 2009 Gun Show Schedule by Date (Miwall Corporation, static list)
Picked up too many state only hits to list, run with: 'your state', 'gun show' '2009', to find one closer to you. Beg pardon if these links have already been posted. Feel free to add new 'nationwides' to this list. State specific shows prolly belongs in your own state's forum, not this thread.
Can't see many driving/flying 2K miles for a show, who knows? :dance3:
Will list upcoming WA shows in WA state forum if someone doesn't beat me to it!
These may be the last after black Tuesday! Call ahead for a confirm is always a good bet.
Happy bargain hunting & Cheers,
Gun Show List covering United States (good searchable listings)
Miwall Corporation 2009 Gun Show Schedule by Date (Miwall Corporation, static list)
Picked up too many state only hits to list, run with: 'your state', 'gun show' '2009', to find one closer to you. Beg pardon if these links have already been posted. Feel free to add new 'nationwides' to this list. State specific shows prolly belongs in your own state's forum, not this thread.
Can't see many driving/flying 2K miles for a show, who knows? :dance3:
Will list upcoming WA shows in WA state forum if someone doesn't beat me to it!
These may be the last after black Tuesday! Call ahead for a confirm is always a good bet.
Happy bargain hunting & Cheers,