Two Convenience Stores Robbed With Klingon Sword

two convenience stores robbed

The article, Sheldon, stated the Klingon sword is called a bat'leth. They give a description of the bat'leth as being about a yard long. the one wielded by the hold-up man appeared to be shorter, about 18 inches long, from the surveillance photo. I am not a trekkie, but don't the Klingons have a shorter version of the bat'leth, just as we had daggers, which could be considered as shorter versions of swords? The articles states it is unknown if the short bat'leth used was made of metal or not.

you humans are so entertaining!!! it is pitiful to see that the bat'leth being used this way. there is no honor in simple robbery. { wuf fuz, the miniature knife you refer to if i am not wrong, i will call a klingon sai. it is a wicked knife that has a button on the handle. when the button is depressed, 2 hook type blades will deploy, one from either side. some blade collectors have these in their collection. not sure of their realistic and practical value, if any.}
Wikpedia to the rescue...

I've seen a lot of ST and have never seen a smaller canonical version of the bat'leth. But I'm sure wherever you buy them from has smaller ones available (good for shipping and legal reasons). It would be interesting to see if, when well-made, it's any good in actual combat against a regular broadsword or something.
*shaking head*... I blame the sword.
Here's a great idea! Let's start requiring microstamping on the sides of all sword blades! That way when it chops into people, it'll leave a microscopic series of legible numerals embedded in them! There's no way that plan can possibly fail.
Here's a great idea! Let's start requiring microstamping on the sides of all sword blades! That way when it chops into people, it'll leave a microscopic series of legible numerals embedded in them! There's no way that plan can possibly fail.

We need a swordstroke database also. Every blade leaves telltale striations in the wound path and such a database would be useful to LE.