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MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And “Get Your Damn Vaccine”
Kurt Nimmo
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dr. Nancy Snyderman, billed as chief medical editor at NBC News, says when the HHS bureaucrat Kathleen Sebelius speaks, we have to listen. Snyderman tells the talking heads on MSNBC that we should all line up and take our eugenics soft kill H1N1 vaccine.
Sebelius is a member of the globalist Bilderberg Group. Bilderberg advocates modern eugenics and plans to eventually reduce the world’s population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on Biodiversity.
The H1N1 virus is a big deal, Snyderman pontificates, and it will “cut a swath” through the population. Distrust of the government and big pharma, she warns, may be fatal. “I can’t tell you what to do,” she adds, “but I can tell you what you should do, and what you should do is get this vaccination.”
MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And Get Your Damn Vaccine onepixel
MSNBC talking heads try to stampede you into taking the deadly H1N1 vaccine.
There is the small matter that this virus outbreak is far less deadly than the normal seasonal flu, but that does not stop the editor from claiming that if you don’t get the vaccination you are playing Russian roulette.
Anchor Dylan Ratigan tells us to stop being lazy and frightened and get off our “derrieres” and get this vaccination.
All of this sounds suspiciously familiar. Back in 1976, the government hyped up fears of a swine flu pandemic after a few cases were found in soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and one of them died, most likely of physical overexertion rather than from the infection. This led to the launch of a mass vaccination of 40 million against a pandemic that never materialized. Thousands filed claims for injury. At least 25 died and 500 developed paralyzing Guillain-Barre syndrome (see Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins, The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu).
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, a Chicago physician and author of Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate, told Alex Jones on August 25 that the number of people who died from the 1976 vaccination program was probably much higher than the government admits. He claims the number of injured was likely in the thousands.
No mention by NBC’s supposed medical editor of the well-documented risks of this experimented and untested vaccine. It is not simply the adjuvants, substances added in order to boost the immunogenicity of the vaccines, in particular the oil-based squalene, but also dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, and heavy metals and other toxins in the vaccine.
Earlier this month, a German health expert warned of cancer viruses in the vaccine. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg warned that the nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells. Wodrag also described people’s fear of the pandemic as an “orchestration” that will result in “great business for the pharmaceutical industry.”
Or did the editor mention warnings issued by the British Health Protection Agency about an increased risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome after taking a pandemic vaccine.
Snyderman’s one-sided coverage and scare tactics border on criminal behavior, but then this is par for the course as the corporate media, in particular MSNBC, is a branch office of the CIA under Operation Mockingbird. The CIA was created by Wall Street and works in the service of the banksters and the global elite who have made no bones that they want to cull the herd and get world population down to around 500 million.
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MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And “Get Your Damn Vaccine”
Kurt Nimmo
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dr. Nancy Snyderman, billed as chief medical editor at NBC News, says when the HHS bureaucrat Kathleen Sebelius speaks, we have to listen. Snyderman tells the talking heads on MSNBC that we should all line up and take our eugenics soft kill H1N1 vaccine.
Sebelius is a member of the globalist Bilderberg Group. Bilderberg advocates modern eugenics and plans to eventually reduce the world’s population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on Biodiversity.
The H1N1 virus is a big deal, Snyderman pontificates, and it will “cut a swath” through the population. Distrust of the government and big pharma, she warns, may be fatal. “I can’t tell you what to do,” she adds, “but I can tell you what you should do, and what you should do is get this vaccination.”
MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And Get Your Damn Vaccine onepixel
MSNBC talking heads try to stampede you into taking the deadly H1N1 vaccine.
There is the small matter that this virus outbreak is far less deadly than the normal seasonal flu, but that does not stop the editor from claiming that if you don’t get the vaccination you are playing Russian roulette.
Anchor Dylan Ratigan tells us to stop being lazy and frightened and get off our “derrieres” and get this vaccination.
All of this sounds suspiciously familiar. Back in 1976, the government hyped up fears of a swine flu pandemic after a few cases were found in soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and one of them died, most likely of physical overexertion rather than from the infection. This led to the launch of a mass vaccination of 40 million against a pandemic that never materialized. Thousands filed claims for injury. At least 25 died and 500 developed paralyzing Guillain-Barre syndrome (see Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins, The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu).
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, a Chicago physician and author of Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate, told Alex Jones on August 25 that the number of people who died from the 1976 vaccination program was probably much higher than the government admits. He claims the number of injured was likely in the thousands.
No mention by NBC’s supposed medical editor of the well-documented risks of this experimented and untested vaccine. It is not simply the adjuvants, substances added in order to boost the immunogenicity of the vaccines, in particular the oil-based squalene, but also dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, and heavy metals and other toxins in the vaccine.
Earlier this month, a German health expert warned of cancer viruses in the vaccine. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg warned that the nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells. Wodrag also described people’s fear of the pandemic as an “orchestration” that will result in “great business for the pharmaceutical industry.”
Or did the editor mention warnings issued by the British Health Protection Agency about an increased risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome after taking a pandemic vaccine.
Snyderman’s one-sided coverage and scare tactics border on criminal behavior, but then this is par for the course as the corporate media, in particular MSNBC, is a branch office of the CIA under Operation Mockingbird. The CIA was created by Wall Street and works in the service of the banksters and the global elite who have made no bones that they want to cull the herd and get world population down to around 500 million.