Traveling with my handgun?

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I've got to drive out to New York in a couple weeks. I'm traveling from Minnesota and passing through Wisconsin, Ill.,Indiana, Ohio, and Penn., ending in Rochester, NY. I don't like the idea of not having my BFR at my side. Any problem in any of these states if I have it cased and unloaded? Any of these states have any weird ammo laws, hollow points, hand cast or jacketed?
it really irks me that the 2nd amendment has been twisted so bad that I'm considered a criminal if I carry my pistol for my own protection. Dave

Don't know much about MN. Most of the rest are pretty gun-unfriendly except PA. Ohio isn't as bad as IL, WI and NY. These are political views - not legal advice. Go to the page and look at each state's laws. The problem as I see it is that your trip ends in NY, which is one of the worst so I'm not sure how much FOPA would help. Common sense would say that unloaded and locked in a case should be ok anywhere but common sense was lost in this republic long ago.
Agreed with NRA web site, also use google and query state by state "Carrying a concealed weapon in Ohio" or "Ohio gun Laws". Most likely there will be a link to Ohio Government somewhere. As far as I know most states have published links concerning their gun laws. Takes some time but worth it. If all else fails, call State Police for each State.
Illinois is about as bad as it gets. Make sure you have it unloaded in a locked case separate from ammo.
NY is the state that you had best read all the laws and make sure you understand and follow them. I have a summer home in upstate NY and I know they do not issue non resident permits so I have to leave mine home. They do not make it easy. Just make sure...

I've got to drive out to New York in a couple weeks. I'm traveling from Minnesota and passing through Wisconsin, Ill.,Indiana, Ohio, and Penn., ending in Rochester, NY. I don't like the idea of not having my BFR at my side. Any problem in any of these states if I have it cased and unloaded? Any of these states have any weird ammo laws, hollow points, hand cast or jacketed?
it really irks me that the 2nd amendment has been twisted so bad that I'm considered a criminal if I carry my pistol for my own protection. Dave

buy a book Traveler's Guide to the Firearms Laws of the Fifty States
this book helps you to know what you expect and approach each state line.

Please be sure you understand the code before you point people to it and get them in potential trouble.

The key tenet of 18usc926 is that you HAVE to be legal at your destination. He's going from MN to NY and that's it. NY DOES NOT have any reciprocity with MN. Therefore, he's not meeting the major part of 18usc926.

If he were going from MN to VT (where he'd be legal) then he could go through NY w/ the weapon locked in a case in his trunk. However, he'd be well advised to keep a printed copy of the federal code with him and expect resistance from the police in NY if they were to find out.

...any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if...

18 USC Sec. 926a applies.

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Not sure why this post didn't go through last night, but I'll try again.

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