Traveling with my ccw/gun question.


New member
Hello all, I'm new here so if this question has been asked already, I'm sorry.
I have a CCW and am planning to take my handgun to Washington D.C, with me for the
9/12 rally. I will be sleeping in my Jeep for two nights. I looked at the Reciprocity map and it looks like
I will not have any problem with any state besides Maryland. Can someone give me any information I need to heed while driving through Ohio, Pennsylvania,Virginia and Maryland. Should I call the capital for each state to find out the concealed carry laws? Thank you in advance. Neal
Hello all, I'm new here so if this question has been asked already, I'm sorry.
I have a CCW and am planning to take my handgun to Washington D.C, with me for the
9/12 rally. I will be sleeping in my Jeep for two nights. I looked at the Reciprocity map and it looks like
I will not have any problem with any state besides Maryland. Can someone give me any information I need to heed while driving through Ohio, Pennsylvania,Virginia and Maryland. Should I call the capital for each state to find out the concealed carry laws? Thank you in advance. Neal

Don't even think about taking a handgun into DC. And Maryland doesn't honor a carry permit from anywhere.
Hello all, I'm new here so if this question has been asked already, I'm sorry.
I have a CCW and am planning to take my handgun to Washington D.C, with me for the
9/12 rally. I will be sleeping in my Jeep for two nights. I looked at the Reciprocity map and it looks like
I will not have any problem with any state besides Maryland. Can someone give me any information I need to heed while driving through Ohio, Pennsylvania,Virginia and Maryland. Should I call the capital for each state to find out the concealed carry laws? Thank you in advance. Neal
Clicky Linky for the interactive map
On top of the whole no guns (no CCW) in DC in some states its illegal to have a gun on you at a protest/demonstration. One should not need a gun at the 9/12 event.

I would rather have a video camera with me. That is just me.
Please, for all our sakes!

Please, please, please do not take a gun to D.C. or Maryland. Not on your person, not in your car, not anywhere near you. If you do, and you are caught, you will definitely be harshly convicted in either Maryland or D.C., and you will create a black eye for the cause. I realize that it is wrong that they disallow us protection, but the message on 9/12 is too important to risk LEO involvement. Please listen to me on this. Please, for all our sakes.

That said, it sounds like you are coming from west of Ohio. Since you state that your permit is good in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, I would plot a route that took me through those states without dipping into Maryland. If you just HAVE to go through Maryland, then lock your handgun and your ammunition in SEPARATE LOCKBOXES and place both in your trunk. If you are stopped and questioned by LEO, tell them YOU ARE GOING TO ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. If you say that you are headed to D.C., you WILL NOT be covered under the federal "peaceable travels" statute. In order for that law to protect you, you must be traveling from somewhere where the weapon is legal to a destination where the weapon is legal. D.C. does not apply.:nono:

If it were me, I would follow the advice above, and simply call ahead to a gun store in Alexandria. Arlington, Falls Church, or some other (VA) locale and inquire about overnight gun storage.

Go represent us THE RIGHT WAY, Neal!:victory:

Sounds like you got some good advise. Don't take a gun to DC.
Not sure of Boomboy's source, but I was not aware your destination status mattered. Gotta keep that in mind.
Have a good time, give 'em a piece of our mind!!
I have to satisfy myself going to the local state communist base camp - (state capital) - poor planning on my part.
The Lord be with you .
Great advice everyone.

Sorry for not saying so earlier, I WILL NOT be carrying during the rally. I didn't like the press from the last few although I know they had every right to carry. Cris Mathews almost cried when he found out someone had a gun on them three hours before Obama was to attend a town hall. LOL
No, this would strictly be for my protection only, consealed at all times just wasn't sure of the travel restrictions. Sounds like I would be better off leaving my gun home. Question, doesn't washington have the highest murder rate in the U.S.? go figure, why wouldn't they wan't legal CCW people there. Could cut down on the murders if the perp thought I had a gun! Sure hate to leave my gun home in the safe but it looks as though I wouldn't want the trouble. Thanks fellow patriots.
Question, doesn't washington have the highest murder rate in the U.S.? go figure, why wouldn't they wan't legal CCW people there..

Didn't you watch the news after the Heller decision. The mayors of Philly, Chicago and DC all used almost identical words. Basically, "Those mayors in the "right to carry" states just don't understand the crime problems we have here"
The only thing I had to say was DUH!!!

They have the belief that more legal guns will make crime worse.
OOPPPSSS, I just realized I'm planning a trip to DC the end of this month.

I had planned on carrying out there. But we will be staying just outside of DC. Will have to make sure I keep my van cleaned before I go into town. :cray:

Not sure of Boomboy's source, but I was not aware your destination status mattered. Gotta keep that in mind.

Here ya go, VN.

The Federal Transportation Law

Concerning the interstate transportation of firearms, federal law provides at 18 USCS § 926A:

§ 926A. Interstate transportation of firearms

Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter [18 USCS §§ 921 et seq.] from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

Under this law, to legally transport a firearm interstate all the following need apply:

(1) You are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm
(2) It is lawful to possess AND carry the firearm in the place of origin
(3) It is lawful to possess AND carry the firearm in the place of destination
(4) The firearm must be unloaded
(5) The firearm and any ammunition are not readily accessible OR directly accessible from the passenger compartment (if not possible see below)

Note: In vehicles without a trunk separate from the passenger compartment any firearms AND ammunition must be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

Before engaging in interstate travel, the gun owner should ensure that all the above criteria apply before transporting firearms. Before travel, the gun owner should verify that it is legal to both carry and possess the firearm in the jurisdiction of origins and destination. Immediately before beginning travel the gun owner should ensure the firearms are all unloaded, unloaded all magazines, and secure them separately. Although not required by law, unless in a vehicle without a compartment separate of the passenger compartment, it is advisable to secure the guns also in a locked case or with individual locks. This may make transport also lawful under state or local law as well as federal law which will provide an extra layer of protection.

A guy named Archon collected some good, pertinent info and posted it here:
FAQ: Interstate Transportation of Firearms

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