I'll be making a NC-VA-WV-MD-PA trip soon. I realize that MD does not have a reciprocity agreement with NC (or practically anyone else for that matter). So, I have to stop in WV and unload my handgun. Is there any stipulation as to what has to go where? In other words, can my unloaded handgun be locked in my glove box, and can my magazines, with cartridges in them, be locked just in my trunk, or do the magazines have to be unloaded and/or in some other locked container within the trunk? This seems like a real pain for a 25 mile or so trip (hopefully without stopping) through MD on I-81. I want to be legal, even though it's a nuisance to go through all of this. I want to make sure there aren't any legal "fine points" about what has to be where, and how it's secured.