Traveling through Illinois


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If I understand the illinois gun law correctly, as an out of state permit holder I can pass through the state if my gun is in a case in the trunk with the magazines in the car. Am I right?
If your gun is unloaded, in a case, in the trunk, away from ammunition you should not have any problems. this is not true in Chicago and a few suburbs if your gun is a handgun because these weapons have been determined to be illegal in a few cities.

Good luck

Remember, I am not a lawyer.

It is not Illinois law that allows that type of transport. It is a provision of the Federal Law, Firearm Owners Protection Act passed in 1986 which allows lawful transport through anti-gun states like Illinois. Make sure the container is locked and is of sturdy construction.
It is not Illinois law that allows that type of transport. It is a provision of the Federal Law, Firearm Owners Protection Act passed in 1986 which allows lawful transport through anti-gun states like Illinois. Make sure the container is locked and is of sturdy construction.

Why? If the gun is in the trunk, it's not required by FOPA. Also, if you plan on separating the gun from the ammo by putting the gun in the trunk and the ammo anywhere in the passenger compartment, including the glovebox, that is AGAINST FOPA.
I put my holstered unloaded gun in the locked tool box of my pickup and keep the ammo in the glove box when in Illinois.
I drive around ILL. when going to FL. They get no gas, food, or lodging money from me. Makes things a lot easier.
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Sorry our state makes visitors uncomfortable. Unfortunately, because of Chicago, all Illinois residents are inconvenienced.

But now we will get to share since Obama and his Chicago cronies have taken over the country.
Got back today from my trip through Ill. Had my M&P45 in the trunk locked in its original case and mags in the dash. As I crossed from Missouri into Ill, the speed limit went from 70 to 65. Since I was still going 75, I got pulled over for 10 miles above the limit. The officer never asked if I had a gun or asked to search the car. He gave me a 75.00 ticket and we were on our way. I was'nt nervous because I had printed a copy of the federal firearm owners protection act and was ready to use it. Thanks c45Man

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