Transporting a firearm in GA


i am kind of confused now i have read laws and talked to many police officers in the area. i have heard that you can carry in your car without a license but it must be in the glove box or center console, but ive also heard it can be anywhere in the car if in plain view. i prefer between the seat and console. does anyone really know the law that is set in stone? Thanks, Craig
If you look in the GA forum you will find a sticky link at the top of the page that will take you to the GA CC laws. Here is what is required in GA for vehicle carry.

Georgia Concealed Carry Permit Information
Automobile carry:
Without a GA or Reciprocal License - fully open to view (such as uncovered in passenger seat, partially sticking out below or beside seat is not allowed). If you are not prohibited from obtaining a firearm carry license, it can be in a closeable compartment like the glove box or center console (map pockets that are not closeable are not acceptable) ith a GA or Reciprocal License - Anywhere in the car.