I'm a Christian, and if you don't like it, I'll kill ya!
There! How's that for "fitting the mold?" Some people say I have a bad attitude. Screw 'em!
Now I'll get a little more serious. There are whackos out there everywhere. Fred Phelps, and lately Rev. Terry Jones and his 50-member church just around the corner from my place. Christian zealots have killed abortion doctors. But I'd like to see the statistics of every crime committed by Christians under the Christian banner in the past hundred years. Forget about the Inquisition and the Crusades - that stuff is getting old, really old. And the Crusades might even be a "tit-for-tat' thing with Islam anyway.
But there have been intelligent posts ASKING about the Quran, and intelligent people who have read the Quran. We see the imposition of shari'a law today, around the world, and even in the U.S. Forget outright terrorists like those which have been attacking us ardently since the Cole incident. Two teen-aged girls, both Muslims, were killed by their father because they were dating non-Muslim boys. Here in the U.S. The father claimed his family was shamed and that his actions were justified under shari'a law. That's just one example, but it's happening in TODAY'S world. Why?
Imam Rauf has claimed that shari'a should be openly accepted in the U.S. Today's Quran supports it, not the Old Testament of Moses' time. Homosexuals can be executed. Wives can be beaten. An eye for an eye is literal in the Quran. And so you ask how people in this country (Christians are being singled out, but it's mostly all non-Muslims) can be so against Islam. What is so mysterious about being against a religion that teaches these things?
I am against ANY radical cause, be it Christian, Muslim, neo-Nazi, KKK, white supremacists, etc. But why is it so hard to see that right now, Islam is making itself such an easy target? Our country has been attacked 3 times within the past year. By Muslims. And imam Rauf himself has as much as threatened the U.S. with more terrorism if his plans for the Cordoba Project are interfered with. And why is it so hard to understand that people might be upset if Muslims want to build a place of worship so close to the site where Muslim terrorists destroyed a national icon and killed 3000 people.
It would help more if the Muslims in the U.S. were more open in their condemnation of their radical brethren, but then something like shari'a pops up, and in a modern civilized world, that's just not acceptable. Sorry.