To restore on not?


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If you have an old gun (Winchester) that you inherited and the gun is in pretty good condition but not showroom perfect. Will it ruin the value to have it restored or should you leave it as is? The gun in question is a Winchester .30-.30 Ill. Sesqucentinial edition.

oops, I think I might have put this one in the wrong place but seeing as I don't know how to move it I'll leave it alone. sorry 'bout that.
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As long as it's not eat up with rust or not functional just leave it alone. Any refinishing of the old finish will really hurt the value.
It's not rusty, it has just been used a few times and doesn't look out of the box new. It is in pretty good shape though. The main thing I was looking at is there are some scratches on the stock.
As long as it's not eat up with rust or not functional just leave it alone. Any refinishing of the old finish will really hurt the value.

+1 I agree. I've refinished a few but they were in really bad shape rust wise. It sounds like it's in good shape so I'd leave it as is.

Post some pics if you can.
I heard that. Thanks for the info. I'm not intending to sell it anyhow and I agree come to think about it. I think I'll leave it the way it is. The scratches were put on it by my Grandfather when he was bear hunting. I was just kicking around the idea of would I be doing the old gun a favor by having it restored. No kidding though on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being A+) I'd say it is at least a 7 or an 8. The stock's scratches are the only thing "wrong" with it and there is no rust at all.
Can you hear the Beatles--Let it be, let it be!!

LET IT ALONE! As a collector in several areas, books, maps, walking sticks (guns of course) there is one basic rule--the more of the complete original item there is, the greater the value. Clean yes, restore no.

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