Three Pro-Gun Bills Fall Short in New Mexico as Legislature Adjourns


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The New Mexico Legislature adjourned sine die on Saturday, March 21. Thanks to your phone calls and emails, three NRA-backed measures made tremendous progress through the legislative process, but fell just short of the goal line: Senate Bill 608 authored by State Senator George Munoz (D-4), New Mexico’s restaurant carry legislation, and Senate Bill 507 introduced by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-27), a bill that would have eliminated the two-hour refresher course for certain Concealed Handgun Licensees. SB 608 and SB 507 each passed two Senate committees, the full Senate, and two House committees -- only to fail to receive consideration by the full House due to a crowded calendar on the last day of session.

House Bill 105, introduced by State Representative John Heaton (D-55), the House version of the restaurant carry bill, passed two House committees and the full House -- only to die in the Senate Judiciary Committee, after it failed to reach a quorum on the last day it was scheduled to consider bills.

NRA-ILA will follow up later this week to give you a list of legislators who were key to the progress we made on these important issues the first-time out. We fully intend to pursue similar measures in future legislative sessions!
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