Three favorite 45 pistols


Springfield XD 45 compact, Glock 38 in 45 GAP, Kahr PM45

I recently bought the XD 45, it's my first Springfield. Holds 10 + 1 rounds with the flush fitting magazine. The grip is slightly smaller than a Glock 19/23 and feels great. Recoil seems mild for a 45 and the pistol has been trouble free for it's first 130+ rounds.

I've been a Glock fan for a long time and the model 38 combines the standard grip of the 19/23 with a thicker slide (about like the model 30). Capacity is 8 + 1 rounds of 45. I know some don't like the GAP round, but I really like this pistol.

The Glock and the Springfield are essentially the same size, XD is a few ounces heavier.

The Kahr is a very compact 45 with a 5 + 1 capacity. The pistol had a few failures to feed in it's first box of Federal 185, but after that it's been trouble free. I've shot another box of the Federal 185, plus Federal Hydra Shocks and Winchester Ranger smooth as butter. It's now got about 230 rounds thorugh it. This pistol is light and easy to carry / conceal; it's significantly smaller than the other two.

The holsters in the pic. are Fist Kydex IWB.

Chrono results, average of 5 shots:
Springfield XD 45 compact Winchester Ranger 230 gr. @ 865 fps
Kahr PM45 Winchester Ranger 230 gr. @ 832 fps
Glock 38 Winchester 230 JHP (White box) @ 831 fps

I could have just called this thread: My 3 favorite pistols.:biggrin:

*I can't get an image to upload even if I cut it down really small. Maybe my dial-up :to_pick_ones_nose: connection is too slow for this site? Anyway here is a link to a pic. taken with my phone.

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Springfield XD 45 compact, Glock 38 in 45 GAP, Kahr PM45

*I can't get an image to upload even if I cut it down really small. Maybe my dial-up :to_pick_ones_nose: connection is too slow for this site? Anyway here is a link to a pic. taken with my phone.

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Here ya go!
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1911, 1911, 1911.

An XD .45 ACP compact that get's 865fps ? No way. I'll chrono that 3 inch and show anybody that cares to know that your only getting maybe 650-700fps.

Just because the box say's it does not mean your getting it. It's alway's out of a 5" barrel that those velocities are chrono'd
Here are mine:

1. Without a doubt is my Kimber Ultra CDP II

2 and 3 are to close to call:
Service size XD 45 13+1 and my full size HK USP 12+1
Series 70 Colt Combat Commander

Para Ordnance P13.45LTD


Smith and Wesson Model 625 (with a 5" full underlug barrel):biggrin:
My 3 favorite .45's in my collection are my S&W Gunsite 1911 (commander), Colt Night Officer (Officer length barrel on commander frame) and my Glock 30.
Colt Commander

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Dan Wesson Bobtail

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Kimber Pro CDP series I

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Something old / something new

Those are still my 3 favorite 45 pistols. PM45, Glock 38, and XD45 compact.

I do have a faster internet connection than when I started this thread.:biggrin:
Some of us retiree's can't afford those high dollar pieces, we have to opt for the Taurus and Rugers. When I took my CHP Class one of the guys had a Springfield Arms .40, and he spent more time working to clear FTF & FTE's than he did actual the firing of his weapon(?). If I could afford one, my choice would be a Kimber Ultra CDP II, but I can't afford one so I make due with my PT145 which I've never had a lick of problems with. :pleasantry:
I like the three .45 handguns I own.

Glock 30 (.45ACP)
Glock 39 (.45GAP)
S&W Model 325PD (.45ACP)
Well, I love my Beretta Cougar, but I have to admit, I am exploring trying out a Composite sup-compact.

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