Those wacky atheists are at it again


Thank God I'm alive!
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ads that say "You can be good without God."

Bloomington Public Transportation Corp. says the proposed ads, which would have been placed on the back of city buses, violate its advertising policy, which bans statements for or against "controversial public issues."

The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday in Indianapolis, saying the policy was too vague and violated constitutional rights to free speech and due process. The suit asks the court to order the city to allow display of the ads.

A woman who answered the phone at Bloomington Transit on Friday said no one was available to comment on the suit.

What amuses me about this is the group's claim that the bus company's refusal to allow the group's ads on their buses, as if doing so is somehow their right. Does that mean if I don't want them protesting on my front lawn, they can sue me too?
Mr. Vegas, if you say so.

I thought the point was that the ones who are causing the ruckus were wacky. Sounds as though the transport company should have the right to limit speech on their premises just as you should have on your own.

In my shop I decide what I am willing to listen to, no one else. Generally, if the person is well behaved I allow a lot of latitude but I have the final say.

So, are those people picketing, harassing, and bombing abortion clinics wacky?

Proud Agnostic

And what, if anything, does this have to do with "Open and Concealed Carry"?
So, are those people picketing, harassing, and bombing abortion clinics wacky?

Proud Agnostic

And what, if anything, does this have to do with "Open and Concealed Carry"?

It's a far right wing thing. Ya see only god fearing old school conservatives shoot guns and enjoy the outdoors. There are not any Democrats or independents that shoot, they are all anti-gun anti god and wish to ruin America!
Sadly, you atheists aren't seen as nearly as wacky as us Asatru. But I agree that it is city property and they cant say anything about religious statements
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What amuses me about this is the group's claim that the bus company's refusal to allow the group's ads on their buses, as if doing so is somehow their right. Does that mean if I don't want them protesting on my front lawn, they can sue me too?

Yes they can sue you but I doubt they will win since your lawn is private property. I don't know the details of this case but if the buses are publicly owned they have a very strong case. Now the question would be that would the bus company allow a sign saying "Get right with God" on their busses then there isn't even a case other than letting them have the signs. If the bus company bans anything controversial including Ben and Jerry's ice cream then the group doesn't have a case.

On the surface is sounds like the policy is too vague and they should be allowed to advertise as long as they pay for it. As someone asked this doesn't have a thing to do with open or concealed carry or guns unless they also ban the NRA from advertising.
Devout Atheist here. Controversal subjects being put out of bounds for advertizements on city transit property is hunky docrey for me, provided they have a clear, rational, stated policy for everyone to know, understand, and follow. Your controversal ad is verbotten, but another controversal ad that happens to have enough of a local following is alright? No.

And if any and all religious or church-affiliated advertizers are put out of bounds by that policy, so be it, but if the Presbyterians get to have "Jesus loves you!" or the Episcopalians get to have "Christ is King", then they have to allow "You can be good without God."

Now, this is on public property. If this is a private bus company, not contracted with the city or anything like that, then all bets are off.
Your beliefs are yours and you have a right to them. The thing to consider here is that those who are protesting here probably had a hand in removing the Ten Commandments from court houses and the Pledge Of Allegiance and prayers being removed from schools. Yet it's wrong to not place their advertisements on buses. Maybe the ads should be allowed and then have churches place ads right next to them saying "But you can't be saved" or "But you can't go to heaven" or something similar. How much do you want to bet they would protest against those also? I'm not what you would call a strict religious man and as I said you have a right to your beliefs, the wrong comes in trying to force others into those beliefs.
Your beliefs are yours and you have a right to them. The thing to consider here is that those who are protesting here probably had a hand in removing the Ten Commandments from court houses and the Pledge Of Allegiance and prayers being removed from schools. Yet it's wrong to not place their advertisements on buses. Maybe the ads should be allowed and then have churches place ads right next to them saying "But you can't be saved" or "But you can't go to heaven" or something similar. How much do you want to bet they would protest against those also? I'm not what you would call a strict religious man and as I said you have a right to your beliefs, the wrong comes in trying to force others into those beliefs.

That is exactly why the 10 commandments where removed and God taken out of the pledge of allegiance, to stop forcing those beliefs on others.
That is exactly why the 10 commandments where removed and God taken out of the pledge of allegiance, to stop forcing those beliefs on others.

The Ten Commandments were in court rooms not because of religious importance but because they were the foundation of law. The Pledge Of Allegiance is to the flag and country, not God. These two have less to do with religion and more to do with honor and patriotism. Tell me how that forces you to believe in God, or maybe it's because you don't want to pledge an allegiance to the country or follow basic law. I'm an old guy and I still remember those who didn't pray during school "prayers". No one looked down on them or gave them a hard time. This country moves farther and farther from what it was founded on as time passes. We need to get back to basics and you don't have to be religious, or even believe in God to do that.
The Ten Commandments were in court rooms not because of religious importance but because they were the foundation of law. The Pledge Of Allegiance is to the flag and country, not God. These two have less to do with religion and more to do with honor and patriotism. Tell me how that forces you to believe in God, or maybe it's because you don't want to pledge an allegiance to the country or follow basic law. I'm an old guy and I still remember those who didn't pray during school "prayers". No one looked down on them or gave them a hard time. This country moves farther and farther from what it was founded on as time passes. We need to get back to basics and you don't have to be religious, or even believe in God to do that.

The 10 commandment are a christian based list nothing more. It is still religious based period. The allegiance is still practiced most everywhere without the line" under god" in it.

In AZ and MT I had not seen the 10 commandments hung anywhere.
I insist that everywhere the 10 Commandments are held up as a foundational code of laws for the American Republic, that the foundation of all written codes of law be included as well.

1. If any one ensnares another, putting a ban upon him, but he can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death.
2. If any one brings an accusation against a man, and the accused goes to the river and leaps into the river, if he sinks in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river proves that the accused is not guilty, and he escapes unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser.
3. If any one brings an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if a capital offense is charged, be put to death.
4. If a Builder build a house for someone, and does not construct it properly, and the house which he built fall in and kill its owner, then that builder shall be put to death.
5. If a man give his child to a nurse and the child die in her hands, but the nurse unbeknown to the father and mother nurse another child, then they shall convict her of having nursed another child without the knowledge of the father and mother and her breasts shall be cut off.
And the other 277 laws of the Code of Hamurabi.
For those of you that have a problem with Christianity just remember by a wide margin most of the founding fathers did not. The same ones that gave you the 2nd Amendment. Never the less Gods love and forgivness were for "who so ever". John3:16 For those that refuse his grace that is their right.
It's a far right wing thing. Ya see only god fearing old school conservatives shoot guns and enjoy the outdoors. There are not any Democrats or independents that shoot, they are all anti-gun anti god and wish to ruin America!

Holy right wing, Batman, I thought that 2A covered everyone, including Democrats, of which I'm one. Does this mean I have to renounce my 2A rights? Not on your Batmobile will I do that!
That is exactly why the 10 commandments where removed and God taken out of the pledge of allegiance, to stop forcing those beliefs on others.

Damn right!! To each his own I say..I don't care if you worship a purple hippo, i just don't want to hear about it!!
For those of you that have a problem with Christianity just remember by a wide margin most of the founding fathers did not. The same ones that gave you the 2nd Amendment. Never the less Gods love and forgivness were for "who so ever". John3:16 For those that refuse his grace that is their right.

So I owe My right to bear arms to the christians?? thats the biggest load of shit I've heard in a while....And for the record I don't need anyones forgiveness!!!
I live by my own set of rules...

I Don't see this thread going anywhere Good....nor have a damn thing to do with CC issues..
Religion, like politics, is a subject which discussions usually break down into no win arguments. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. My main point here was that those suiting over the signs would probably file suit against a religious sign being posted. It's a two way street, if you're going to have the one then you're going to have the other. They don't want anything religious shown in public but they do want to push their own agenda of non-religion. As I said, you can't have it both ways.
Religion, like politics, is a subject which discussions usually break down into no win arguments. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. My main point here was that those suiting over the signs would probably file suit against a religious sign being posted. It's a two way street, if you're going to have the one then you're going to have the other. They don't want anything religious shown in public but they do want to push their own agenda of non-religion. As I said, you can't have it both ways.

I thought your main point was that all atheists are wacky; at least that was strongly implied by the title of your post.
In any population you have a bell curve with extremes at both ends, with the majority - moderates - in the middle. This is true of religions, ideologies, and yes, even gun owners.
Is that particular group of atheists a bunch of wackos in the same sense as a PETA person who would have you put to death for giving a rat a dirty look?
I don't really know.
What I take issue with is that it appeared you put all atheists at the extreme far left - the wacky side - of the bell curve; this is not a true or fair characterization.
So there, I have admitted that there are some "wacky atheists".
Can you admit there are maybe just a couple of "wacky" religious people out there as well?
I can - I've known quite a few.

(Oh, I was a bit confused by "It's a two way street...", "you can't have it both ways."; since a two way street does go both ways and a one way street only goes...)

Reading my post leads me to believe me that being retired is leading to being retarded - too much time on my hands - I think I should find something constructive to do.
Maybe get out to the range.
