Ok...first let me say this isn't a ccw carry situation but it is a LEO Encounter. Back in the late 80's when i was in the Army stationed in Italy i had a close encounter with some of Italy's finest. Just a bit of background. In Itay there are two main police forces. The Polizia, which is similar to your state police and the Carbeniari which is a para military force that also does public police work. Anyway while on a feild training exercise we were having some commo problems and since i was the one that knew the most about them i was sent on a road trip toget things fixed. On my way i passed 4 Polizia set up on the opposite side of the road doing random stops(perfectly legal there). Knowing how they look for anything out of the ordinary i was hoping they would be gone on my return trip. Wrong.....guess my big cammo hummer was just too much for them to bear. As i approached they all looked my way and one of them steps into the road with his paddle( a red and white circle on a stick) and motions for me to pull over. Well needless to say the pucker factor went up 100 fold as i had not only a loaded 1911 on my side but an M-16 and an M-60 as well in the hummer. Neither was loaded but i did have a few loaded mags for the M-16. So i start thinking what I going to do here. I have weapons and some very sensitive and classified material that thay can't get ahold of. I was hoping at least one of them spoke English as my Italian was limited at best. So there i sit when the offocer that pulled me over came up to the door and started questioning me while his three partners all had there Berretta's trained at the front of my hummer. I tried my best to explain what was up and was making little progress when to my good fortune one of the Carbeniari that was with us pulls up on his BMW bike and after a few exchanges of rapid fire Italian he came over and appologized to me. After that they all wanted to check out the hummer and my weapons....even letting me check out their Berretta sub guns too. All the way back i just kept thinking how that could have gone sideways really quick.