New member
The bottom line is that the Army will damn near take anyone.
I had 6 or 7 former Marines in my company. Most were good NCOs.
I also got new Soldiers who had never passed Army PT test or Height and Weight. Even more disturbing is that I had a 4 time convicted felon let in who was illegally recruited by his Army recruiter right out of juvenille detention and without his parent's aprroval since he was 17. Of course the wonderful world of FBGA didn't help us there either. I shouldn't even cover the guys we got who should have never passed Medical...a guy with extreme asthma, a broken back, and one with a chronic nonfunctioning shoulder...
Oh wait, I almost forgot about the soldier I had who could not read or write English and it was basically found out that a ringer had taken his tests for him...and the recruiter knew. I had Ft Jackson to thank for that one. He actually turned out to be a great Soldier, but I imagine his Army career will be quite limited.
Recruiters might tell you what the "standard" is for scores, but they know the way around any standard. Waivers are for almost anything and if that doesn't work, then a little corruption will get the job done.
The GWOT has lowered almost every standard out there. The pressure has increased to fill units and have them trained for combat. I am hoping once the war dies down that we go back to the Army of Standards instead of one focused on numbers and bare minimum performance.
I had 6 or 7 former Marines in my company. Most were good NCOs.
I also got new Soldiers who had never passed Army PT test or Height and Weight. Even more disturbing is that I had a 4 time convicted felon let in who was illegally recruited by his Army recruiter right out of juvenille detention and without his parent's aprroval since he was 17. Of course the wonderful world of FBGA didn't help us there either. I shouldn't even cover the guys we got who should have never passed Medical...a guy with extreme asthma, a broken back, and one with a chronic nonfunctioning shoulder...
Oh wait, I almost forgot about the soldier I had who could not read or write English and it was basically found out that a ringer had taken his tests for him...and the recruiter knew. I had Ft Jackson to thank for that one. He actually turned out to be a great Soldier, but I imagine his Army career will be quite limited.
Recruiters might tell you what the "standard" is for scores, but they know the way around any standard. Waivers are for almost anything and if that doesn't work, then a little corruption will get the job done.
The GWOT has lowered almost every standard out there. The pressure has increased to fill units and have them trained for combat. I am hoping once the war dies down that we go back to the Army of Standards instead of one focused on numbers and bare minimum performance.