THIN 9mm


USA Carry Supporter
I asked this on another forum awhile back and I'm still thinking about it!
For a handgun (semi auto.), which would You say would be the thinnest 9mm to CONCEAL?
What I got for feedback were the:
Keltec P11 AND PF9
SIG P225/P6 (do they still make this model?)
BERSA Ultra Compact 9
Taurus Millenium Pro 111BP
Walther PPS9
Yeh, I know I can look at all the specs and see which is the smallest/thinnest, but I want some of Your feedback and/or which of any do You own and how do You like it.
Remeber, I looking for a Small THIN 9mm. (I kind of like the BERSA and Taurus)and it would be IWB (In Waste Band). The 9 I own now is HiPoint C9 which I like but any of you who own one know how BIG/BULKY they are and I just need something MUCH Smaller/Thinner. Hope this will be My next purchase.
thnx. folks!
If you are looking for a small thin 9, only2 come to mind, Kahr PM9 and Walther PPS9
I have a Taurus 24/7-C, Same dimensions as PT-111. Nice gun, reasonable price, but not as compact as the PM9 or PPS9
You might consider dropping to a 380 and go with a KelTec P3AT or the new Ruger LCP or if you can find one,andr best of all, a Colt Mustang Pocketlight.

Good Luck
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check out the walther pps. it is extremely thin. not sure how the specs compare to the others. I know when you carry in a IWB youll probably forget you have it.
The KelTec PF9 is smaller than most .380s and no other 9mm is thinner. It is small enough I've quit carrying a .380; I either carry an Ultra CDP .45 or a the PF-9.
I carry a Springfield EMP 9mm, about 1/3 thinner than my Taurus PT145. Shoots great, never jams, is easy to break down and clean, and because it is a metal frame gun, has little recoil. I wear this daily with a strong side, hi rise OWB hoster. It is very consealable and comfortable to wear. I did a review on it in this forum, it you want specifics. It is a little larger than my mom's PPK .380, but is sure a lot nicer to shoot and just a concealable. Hope this helps you decide.
Skinny SiG

for a thin 9mm Sig I'd have to recommend the P239 - which with its single-stack 9mm set up makes it one tough-as-nails EDC gun that's easily carried, concealed and a great shooting gun to boot!

You COULD even get the P239 in .40 too.... if you wanted I mean. Either way - it's thin and brings the 'hell and back reliability' that is not just a catchy slogan. :cool:

With ammo costs, I'm looking at a 9mm P239 myself....
The Kel-Tec is too small. It's so small that the recoil makes it hard to control. We went with the Kahr CW9. It is small but large enough were you can get a decent grip on it. Recoil is also less than the Kel-Tec. It's more money, but it's a better quality gun. The CW9 fits just about anywhere and disappears nicely without going to great efforts to conceal it. I also prefer my .45 but sometimes you just need better concealability.
I couldn't maintain good control over the gun. After every round I had to reposition my grip because the gun jumped in my hands. It wasn't as much of an issue for my wifes smaller hands, but we both felt the slightly larger frame was more comfortable. That said, I am looking for a small 380 as a small better than nothing gun. Mostly for those times when you have to deep conceal in light summer clothing. It will probably be a Kel-Tec.
Save yourself time and effort, dont buy a keltec or a kahr.

Yeah, if you can't spend $1000+ plus for a Kimber that has to have 500 rounds to be broken in and considered reliable, go unarmed until you can.

My Kahr, my Keltech, and my $400 1911 have all been never-fail performers, from the first round.
I couldn't maintain good control over the gun. After every round I had to reposition my grip because the gun jumped in my hands. It wasn't as much of an issue for my wifes smaller hands, but we both felt the slightly larger frame was more comfortable. That said, I am looking for a small 380 as a small better than nothing gun. Mostly for those times when you have to deep conceal in light summer clothing. It will probably be a Kel-Tec.
This is why firearm choice is necessarily subjective. If you have large hands you will dislike very short grips. Recoil is also very subjective--I had a friend (a guy with medium-small hands) shoot the PF-9, hand it back, and tell me he prefers a larger gun in 9mm--he's rather recoil sensitive. I know a couple of women (including my wife) who have shot heavily recoiling revolvers enough that they don't find the PF-9 objectionable. Choose and carry what you want, not what others say you should want.
Save yourself time and effort, dont buy a keltec or a kahr.
We've all read horror stories about problems with most every type of firearm. A throw-away statement like that doesn't help. Is there a reason, based upon your own experience, why you feel that way?
Yeah, if you can't spend $1000+ plus for a Kimber that has to have 500 rounds to be broken in and considered reliable, go unarmed until you can.

My Kahr, my Keltech, and my $400 1911 have all been never-fail performers, from the first round.
My Kimber Ultra CDP has been 100% reliable as well, and it has a higher price point that the ones you named. A handgun you can trust is just that, if you don't trust it don't carry it. Also:
Kel-Tecs are great guns and the company has about the best customer service in the industry. Combined with a lifetime warranty and cheap/available accesories. You can't go wrong. PF-9

On the other hand, if you have more money to spend for the Walther PPS9, I would consider it also. Walther pistols are durable, accurate, and among the best engineered pistols available. I consider them second only to H&K in regards to design and execution.

- my $.02, yours may vary

ETA: biased P99 owner
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Well, it'll be awhile before I make a purchase anyway. Seems like from My OP of the guns I listeded, these were also mentioned here for replies. I wanted to get feedback as to see who has any of these mentioned and how You like them. I have a list on me, so when I'm in a gun shop I can check them out. Best thing would be to shoot them! Thnx for the replies, at least I know a few top 5 to pick from.
I daily carry my PPS .40 IWB in a DMBullard dual carry holster. The PPS .40 is the same width as their 9mm, right at one inch. Past one inch, it seems more likely to "print" especially for us with a couple extra pounds.. I'm relatively new to daily carry, and I'm very happy with this set up. Ammo costs a little more, but the .40 was recommended by my local Sheriff.
My wife and I both disagree with that statement.

I agree with NDS and his wife. In my opinion, the recoil of the Kel-Tec PF-9 doesn't make it hard to control. I have a 16 ounce titanium Taurus in .357 that kicks a lot harder than the PF-9 and it's still easy to control. Someone said that they got rid of their 380 because the P-11 and Pf-9 were so small. I don't find that even the smallest 9 mm's are even in the same ballpark as the P3AT. I have a P3AT and next to it even the smallest 9's look pretty big. I'm in Arizona where cargo shorts and T-shirts are typical attire most of the year. You can just drop the P3AT into a pocket and it disappears. I can't do that with my Taurus Millennium pro 40 (PT140SS) which is the same size and weight as the PT-111 9 mm which has been mentioned several times in this thread. It's HUGE compared to the P3AT. I like it but I consider it at the outer limit for concealed carry. I wouldn't carry it unless I was wearing a lot of clothes.
Let's not forget the Kahr Arms pistols now! Kahr Arms makes some of the slimmest pistols available, and absolutely one of the smallest 9's! There are a few smaller than the MK9, but the MK9 is a great choice for defending your life.
Well thnx for the info on the PT111 9mm from TAURUS gvaldeg1.
This is all good info for some of us who want to know which gun is small/thin.
Some are saying that the guns mentioned on here because they are small have more of a recoil while others are saying they do not? I'm kind of lost here....

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