i have never been able to grasp thieves breaking into a home that is known to have the means to hurt and kill them with the only mindset that the home has something that will help them hurt and kill someone else.thieves just dont seem to be afraid of the gun unless it is pointed at them.and then only maybe if they are not strung out on something.
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Thieves targeting gunowners in Norfolk
Police warn owners of bumper stickers alleging gun ownership could be targets of thieves in Norfolk.
Norfolk police reports show a trend of home burglaries involving people with tactical or gun stickers on their cars.
Some of the the stickers promote a particular gun brand or have message promoting the right to bear arms. Police said while these stickers show pride, they also show thieves you have firearms in your home.
"I guess I'm not too surprised it's happening," gun owner Chad Hixson said. "If you're going to broadcast that you own a gun, it's almost like inviting trouble."
That is why Hixson said he wouldn't be caught putting a gun bumper sticker on his car or home.
"I think it's a little overboard," Hixson said. "It's almost like you are kind of flaunting it. It's like saying, 'Come mess with me. I dare you.' It's almost like you are asking to pick a fight with somebody."
Norfolk Crime Prevention isn't telling gun owners not to flaunt these stickers, but they are telling them to be careful, and mindful of the dangers.
They also suggest keeping your guns locked up in a secure, safe place, and keeping the model and serial numbers of all firearms.
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Thieves targeting gunowners in Norfolk
Police warn owners of bumper stickers alleging gun ownership could be targets of thieves in Norfolk.
Norfolk police reports show a trend of home burglaries involving people with tactical or gun stickers on their cars.
Some of the the stickers promote a particular gun brand or have message promoting the right to bear arms. Police said while these stickers show pride, they also show thieves you have firearms in your home.
"I guess I'm not too surprised it's happening," gun owner Chad Hixson said. "If you're going to broadcast that you own a gun, it's almost like inviting trouble."
That is why Hixson said he wouldn't be caught putting a gun bumper sticker on his car or home.
"I think it's a little overboard," Hixson said. "It's almost like you are kind of flaunting it. It's like saying, 'Come mess with me. I dare you.' It's almost like you are asking to pick a fight with somebody."
Norfolk Crime Prevention isn't telling gun owners not to flaunt these stickers, but they are telling them to be careful, and mindful of the dangers.
They also suggest keeping your guns locked up in a secure, safe place, and keeping the model and serial numbers of all firearms.