They're heeere. Finally got pics of the M&P!!


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Just a few pics of my new M&P 9mm Compact. I have 500 rounds of UMC in the car and I'm off tomorrow so keep tuning in kids!! Range report will follow.

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Don't worry, I didn't point at anyone. I have auto snap! ;)
Nice set up. The tac light always comes in handy. A lot of my friends give me grief about having the light. Truth is that you never know when you'll need your firearm. The one time that you do need it, it will be in a situation where it's dark and your primary light just ran out of batteries. :(

Hope the shooting goes well. Let us know if it shoots as good as it looks.

Looking good and I do like the Tac light! I bet it shoots a good as it looks. Have fun at the range...:)
That's nice.Very nice.Only thing I didn't like about the M&P was that I had trouble with the slide relaease.(being a dealer,I get to fondle the toys when I log them in)
By the way,I hardly noticed the black box on your face.Is that a birth mark?
heh heh yes,I know,I'm being a jerk.But really,nice piece.
I had the .40 for a week and didn't even shoot it before I sold it for some other bills. I shouldn't have bought on a whim.

And NO it's not a birth mark, it's the new M&P Identity hog 007 model. That way you'll NEVER know it's me. Hahaha, I just thought it would be funny since I couldn't hide my identity anyways because of my tattoos.

OMG, I can't friggin sleep!!!
The M&P is a nice gun! Have a blast at the range tomorrow! lol. Oh and if you're not sure what to do with all that empty brass I know someplace you can get rid of it!!!! :D

Make sure you give us a range report!

Well I made it to the range today and it went as follows:

The M&P 9c fires very softly and is easy to follow up even after a quick double tap. The sights are pretty good but, I didn't realize I had way too much finger on the trigger and I shot about 100 rounds (of UMC 115 FMJ) low and left before I finally got help with my issue. I'm a very good marksman but I don't have technical knowledge about firing good enough to diagnose myself. Figured it out with some help from one of the East Orange guys.

I haven't really figured out how to keep shooting where I really want too but, I maintained very tight 2" groups of 5 at 7 yards when I figured out where I was hitting with the first round and I never had a problem hitting within 4" of where I was aiming.

The set up I thought would be ideal last night while dry firing was not what worked well. I felt comfortable with the "M" grip and the pinky extension clip but, turns out I shoot MUCH better with the "S" grip and the flat plated mag. ??? Guess I got used to getting my pinky under the mag and I changed my grip late in my shooting. Odd feeling but I was more consistent.

I never had any misfires or ejection problems or ANY problems actually. I did notice the 12th round was very hard to get into the mag with the pinky extension but it was easy with the flat plate.

I shot some gold dot 124+P and hydra shok and decided to load it with Hornady TAP 124g for my SD. I shot a tighter group with tap and I just like what I read about it.

Not really in love with the gun but I like it enough and, I can get things done with confidence. Hopefully I can get a M&P 9 in full size before long so I can have a little more fun shooting.

All in all I'll give it a 3.5 out of 5 but, I'll review it a little further Sunday when my USACarry guys and I shoot it some more. Guess I'm still in love with my Glocks but like any bad ex-girl friend, I have to move on. ;)
I was thinking about getting an M&P 9 Compact for my wife to carry, mainly because of its ambi controls -- she's left-handed. How would you compare the recoil to that of a Glock 19?
I was thinking about getting an M&P 9 Compact for my wife to carry, mainly because of its ambi controls -- she's left-handed. How would you compare the recoil to that of a Glock 19?

I have to say that the M&P doesn't feel like it's bigger than maybe a .25 Auto. Really.
I love my Glock 19 as well but, I've had a couple rounds of chemo and some radiation so when I shoot Glocks for any length of the time the hard polymer makes my hands tingle and go numb a bit. This doesn't happen with the Berretta PX4 or my M&P. I may be better with the newer Glocks with the more ergonomic straps but, I'm pretty happy with my choice.
I may be better with the newer Glocks with the more ergonomic straps but, I'm pretty happy with my choice.

...and that's what counts at the end of the day. I really want to like the M&P 9 compact, for the reasons already stated, and you've been a big help in bringing me to that decision. Thanks for the reports and the chatter...

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