Well I made it to the range today and it went as follows:
The M&P 9c fires very softly and is easy to follow up even after a quick double tap. The sights are pretty good but, I didn't realize I had way too much finger on the trigger and I shot about 100 rounds (of UMC 115 FMJ) low and left before I finally got help with my issue. I'm a very good marksman but I don't have technical knowledge about firing good enough to diagnose myself. Figured it out with some help from one of the East Orange guys.
I haven't really figured out how to keep shooting where I really want too but, I maintained very tight 2" groups of 5 at 7 yards when I figured out where I was hitting with the first round and I never had a problem hitting within 4" of where I was aiming.
The set up I thought would be ideal last night while dry firing was not what worked well. I felt comfortable with the "M" grip and the pinky extension clip but, turns out I shoot MUCH better with the "S" grip and the flat plated mag. ??? Guess I got used to getting my pinky under the mag and I changed my grip late in my shooting. Odd feeling but I was more consistent.
I never had any misfires or ejection problems or ANY problems actually. I did notice the 12th round was very hard to get into the mag with the pinky extension but it was easy with the flat plate.
I shot some gold dot 124+P and hydra shok and decided to load it with Hornady TAP 124g for my SD. I shot a tighter group with tap and I just like what I read about it.
Not really in love with the gun but I like it enough and, I can get things done with confidence. Hopefully I can get a M&P 9 in full size before long so I can have a little more fun shooting.
All in all I'll give it a 3.5 out of 5 but, I'll review it a little further Sunday when my USACarry guys and I shoot it some more. Guess I'm still in love with my Glocks but like any bad ex-girl friend, I have to move on.