They Have made it to OUR STATE!!

:mad: First let me say I am a Christian. BUT the actions of wbc sicken me. In my opinion wbc is a radical group that calls themselves Christian but whose actions demonstrate otherwise. If we want to rid ourselves of this constant barrage of hate which is often directed at people who are not gay or dead soldiers we should do our best to ignore wbc and . People like this thrive on the attention in the media. In reading the scotus ruling it seems to me that the door is still open to the passage of laws to restrict this deplorable behavior. Because like it or not they do have 1st amendment rights. I just wish they would exersise them somewhere else like off the coast of Somalia. But then again they would cry out to the very troops for protection that make them so happy when one dies. And our men and women in uniform would act to keep them safe because our troops are a 100% class originization unlike those %$#$$%% creeps from wbc. :pleasantry: And Im proud of our troops and God bless them all.
Before trying to stop them from exercising their right to free speech lets instead try to educate them on how their behavior is not appropriate at a soldier's funeral.

Instead I see a lot of pro 2A people ready to step all over these religionists wackos free speech. The supreme court said that they are allowed to do it under the 1st amendment.

So we need to be asking why is it that the supreme court allows laws to be upheld that infringes upon our second amendment rights. but then uphold the 1st amendment rights for people to sprout hatred at a persons funeral.

While I don't agree with them or the things they say I will help to protect their right to do them under the 1st amendment.
I just wish they would exersise them somewhere else like off the coast of Somalia. But then again they would cry out to the very troops for protection that make them so happy when one dies. And our men and women in uniform would act to keep them safe because our troops are a 100% class originization unlike those %$#$$%% creeps from wbc. :pleasantry: And Im proud of our troops and God bless them all.

I LOVE that!!

While I don't agree with them or the things they say I will help to protect their right to do them under the 1st amendment.

I am compelled by my oath as a citizen of the USA to uphold the Constitution and begrudgingly agree.

But on the plus side, a bunch of people networked on facebook, among other methods, then they went out and protested against the protesters. Exercising THEIR rights to free speech......HA!

Finally the pricks gave up and left.
OK, this is just a thought and one that I only mention because I trust that those I'm in the ranks with, OC'ers, are rational and intelligent enough to be the "Good Guys" we are supposed to be and have self-control as well.

Since WBC has the Right to speak their thoughts, just as anyone else, an exercise of Rights to Rights might be a good idea perhaps! :)

Perhaps the next time the folks of WBC decide to come to our state to exercise their Right to Freedom of Speech, maaybe we need to go out there and exercise our Right to Bear Arms! Perhaps the next time we need to have an OC rally in support of the soliders.

Just a thought. :)
OK, this is just a thought and one that I only mention because I trust that those I'm in the ranks with, OC'ers, are rational and intelligent enough to be the "Good Guys" we are supposed to be and have self-control as well.

Since WBC has the Right to speak their thoughts, just as anyone else, an exercise of Rights to Rights might be a good idea perhaps! :)

Perhaps the next time the folks of WBC decide to come to our state to exercise their Right to Freedom of Speech, maaybe we need to go out there and exercise our Right to Bear Arms! Perhaps the next time we need to have an OC rally in support of the soliders.

Just a thought. :)

Well I'd say we would be riding a fine line legally. A disorderly charge doesn't stick for OCing because self defense is a legitimate act. But when you add that we came to something like that armed, it looks more like intimidation than self defense.

Which is kinda what it would be in this context, would it not?

Then your bound to have some heated prick in the group on your side, that's bound to make a threatening comment to them, referring to you and that's not good either.

It could be fine and it could go south, hard to say.
Well I'd say we would be riding a fine line legally. A disorderly charge doesn't stick for OCing because self defense is a legitimate act. But when you add that we came to something like that armed, it looks more like intimidation than self defense.

Which is kinda what it would be in this context, would it not?

Then your bound to have some heated prick in the group on your side, that's bound to make a threatening comment to them, referring to you and that's not good either.

It could be fine and it could go south, hard to say.

Well, you do have a good point there. Perhaps it's not the best idea but it's a great thought in reference to those folks. *LOL*
Well, you do have a good point there. Perhaps it's not the best idea but it's a great thought in reference to those folks. *LOL*

In jest.....sure.

They are some real scumbags, but they are entitled. I think that it was handled very well.

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