The white house beer fest


New member the officer and the professor from Mass. are being flown to the White House for a beer with our GREAT PRESIDENT. I think it is really nice that once again this idiot thinks we are the fools we are to allow him to spend OUR $$$$$$ for these fine gentlemen to have a beer together. When are we going to learn, and not to mention does he really think that this action solves his stupid remarks he made on TV?
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His adviser has said to never let a good crisis go unused (or something to that effect)

OK so here's his plan, he brings these two guy to the white house sits em down gives em a few beers puts on that great smile, tells some jokes, gives em some more beers (see where this is going yet?). Anyway he takes them all the way to the.... I LOVE YOU MAN stage and then real quick like he calls in the press for the photo op, there shaking hands, huggin and who knows what else [insert visual here].

And there you have it, Obama the peace maker, next stop... the middle east so he can get him one of those really cool Nobel peace prizes!
The Usurper is in CYA mode. He opened his mouth and proved he is a racest and now he is working on damage controle. Of course he is not fooling anyone or at least anyone that is not on the kool aid.:mad:
I think it is beyond silly that this is even NEWS. C'mon you know he's having plenty of beers with plenty of people in there. This is not the new protocol for a diplomatic tribunal :laugh:
One Beer? One Beer? OMG federal dollars being spent for alcohol. Wonder if they got sloshed? :pleasantry:

That was one expensive flight from home to DC, dinner/lunch a cold beer and back on the plane before dark.....whew!!

Best we can hope for is that they served American Beer !!!
Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own. So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?

One of these men certainly is guilty of acting stupidly!

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own. So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?

One of these men certainly is guilty of acting stupidly!

The great Obamanation can't be seen walking beside lowly surfs, mere mortals. He has to be in front because of his supreme standing in the universe./I]
I don't see a problem with all of them having some beers; it’s a good attempt to try to solve the issue! Not sure the beer should have been present, but that is a good example of how a lot of us, myself included should approach disagreements and misunderstandings. Also I'm sure there is a lot more money wasted on stuff we don't even know about, so complaining about flying these two in is not a big deal to me. Now I haven't been watching the news as much lately ( I did see the coverage of the beer fest), but I have not heard Obama apologize for his version during the primetime TV event that Wednesday (I watched that). Like I said, if I missed it, please let me know, but if there really has not been an apology, then that is what I believe he should be doing first. As in my opinion, that added a lot of fuel to the small fire that might have been going on before he decided to give his version of the events without knowing what really happened. So please don’t bash me too hard, that’s just my point of view even though it might differ from some of yours.
Want to see a real case of "profiling?" Just read this:

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I'd love to have a beer with Obama and Gates, and ask them why they would profile Christians, pro-lifers, military vets, gun owners, Constitutionalists, or anyone who doesn't agree with Obama as "right-wing extremists."

First time I get arrested for protesting, I'm suing the federal government for profiling. MAtter of fact, I might use that same tactic at the airport. I've been wanting to sue someone for a long time - might as well be DHS.
The Usurper is in CYA mode. He opened his mouth and proved he is a racest and now he is working on damage controle. Of course he is not fooling anyone or at least anyone that is not on the kool aid.:mad:
You seem to think it was a mistake? I think everyone underestimates Barry's motives. Every news story I've seen on it, INCLUDING those on Glen Beck and Hannity, repeat the "Stupid Cops" statement and nothing more. The more telling thing for me, is that he went on to give a disertation on "racial profiling". This, while admitting ignorance of the facts. Osama caused the rucus because he wanted to leave no oportunity missed to stir up racial tensions. Damage control my ass. Where's the apology? Where's the admission of HIS stupid actions?

Recession is when your neighbor looses his job.
Depression is when you loose yours.
Recovery is when Obama Looses his.
"Damage control my ass"........I couldn't agree more. I too, want an apology from this guy. Why is it that anything this guy says that isn't on a prompter, he shows his true colors!!!!!!!!!!!
Gates and the Obamamonkey were there as a publicity stunt, Biden was there because he heard a beer was involved, Crowley was there because he's a better man than most...I wonder if the WH billed them for the beer.
Gates and the Obamamonkey were there as a publicity stunt, Biden was there because he heard a beer was involved, Crowley was there because he's a better man than most...I wonder if the WH billed them for the beer.

LOL Sounds about right!:biggrin:
You know Ted Kennedy was knocking 'em back too... free beer and no water nearby.

I love how the Kenyan struts out with his coat off and sleeves all rolled up like he's been hard at work pretending to be a man. That guy cracks me up. :to_pick_ones_nose:

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