A war we may want to let Ivan and the EU handle.
Assume agro ebbs/flows, peace talks flare-up then stall, more bear attacks into the birthplace of
Jo Stalin, more counterattacks by whomever gets their turf trashed, with U.S. forces already kitting [humanitarian aid my ass) Georgian civvies & military. Then in steps
President John McCain 2009, count on a 3rd front starting with (at 1st) techno stand-off platforms vs. costly and brutal force on force rumbles we do
not have the men or kit to hold what the Russians have waiting to throw our way for long alone: U.S.A.F. CAP's and Predator escalation or President Barak
Hussein Obama leaves them to their fate hoping the Iranian masses will tie up Ivan just like the Bear's follies did in Afghanistan [1978-1992] finally driving them out of a long bloody conflict with
no real winners, just leaving a
huge vacuum the Talliban soon filled, back when the muj were on the CIA pay-roll & had not mutated into al-Q c/o ObL and M8's and ca
$h. Or dancing to the Bears tunes for promises of 'closer ties' to once arch enemies wrapped up as a sucker trap he is falling into on the Georgia
not need to stretch that strategic rubber band too tight or it
will snap & we will catch the painful global rebound & censure for being
SO gullible. Only a Euro confederation of many like-minded localized nations working in
total cooperation during the execution phase can go one-on-one with a (
massive) Russian Armed Forces @ the same time where Red attrition ='s bring more units forward from an inexhaustible supply waiting in line for their turn. History
has shown U.S. those
Old World Euro nations
seldom work well together, many cut & run, turn sides or just surrender, even against a clear and growing
daily threat. IMHO we have as much right 2 B in Georgia (not even close to the
Atlantic, ergo
NATO), protecting
EUROPE NOT south-west Asia, as Russian troops have a right 2 B in-masse in Mexico with
lots of Russian army groups, air wings and naval forces poised to move across the Rio Grande, control the skies south of the Mason-Dixon line and block/mine
every U.S. port on both sides of the U.S. coast. Cuba is/was communist with a growing capitalist
twist, still too
f-ing close to us already. Fidel @ 83 is slowly bowing out to a less communist regime c/o his son compared to a much younger
fiery Fidel who
almost started a nuclear war had that those missiles
not been removed, so it's isolated and of no real threat
Wake up EU/NATO to combine & deal with a Balkans problem that has gone from all out war to guerilla turf battles now into
daily body counts on
both sides making me wonder just how much Ivan wants it's back-yard back, or in other terms U.S.
not setting up bases in the place which is as ready for true democracy as
E-Germany was in 1970! Ivan has greater aims to push it right into the Black & Caspian Seas,
traditional &
ancient Russian waters with Ukraine forces posturing that they will (attempt to) block a
MASSIVE returning Russian navy from right of passage into those inland seas,
very bad vibes that this could go
very wrong,
too fast for anyone but the Bear (BF military air-land sea standing forces) to come out on top of it's drive to reclaim old provinces trying separatist actions with
not enough
anything to do much but fail and then starts the round-ups, the 24/7/365
1-way trains to Siberian 'labor camps' hauling Georgian POW's, leaders, cops, teachers, priests, politicians, etc., or simple common folk until
anyone who even blogs an anti-Ivan internet post or mutters discontent after too many shots of vodka is
WAY fucked. Add vital 2 the Euros gas addiction
just like ours &
vital oil pipe-lines that run right thru the a/o to feed a gas hungry EU and you have multi-national EU troops fighting
single minded Russian invaders who could be into border skirmishes with well armed neighboring Turkey (NATO) and Iran (Islamic/
huge ground 2nd rate standing forces) to the south in a week or into the heart or main hubs of Europe proper if not checked/blocked by the fall. For a geo-political SITREP that portends something which has
already begun in ernest. I think this
changes & worsens global localized wars, shifts the delicate balance of power/terror to the the collapse stage and has just
too many players all
itching to plonk a Soviet-era lo-yield nuke on Moscow or Georgia depending upon their hatreds.
We are digging a huge hole for what little credibility we have left in the global village and if this goes down as the agenda for a questionable fella who has not even won a presidential election yet, then shortly after a global war will follow, not just Iraq or Afghanistan, try one that extends over 3 continents and will affect billions of people world-wide.
Tomorrows headlines maybe?
This link
is worth a look, current, short & 2 the point.
Glasnost my
http://www.rense.com/general82/indt.htm This site
may give U an idea of
very well planned and
ongoing as I type this out plan for Obama (and he's playing right into it!) doing Russian dirty work for them another 'change' in direction and an indicator of just how
fast this will migrate into being
our problem. The
deliberate and
ILLEGAL persecution & ethnic cleansings and ultimately genocide, U.S. troops would be required to perform & if they do we as a nation who is supposed to project democaracy and equaity will be compared to the Nazis by most nations and our troops
will lose
all Geneva Convention protection if we even load up a
single transport of 'displaced' Georgians heading for
mass graves in-route. What moral high ground will we have left after cleaning up Russia's unwanted
for them & our credibility will be one big
f-ing joke to add to the toppling of Saddam's statue fiasco in 2003 thru present bollocks-ups we seem to B racking up on a daily basis? Add this factual information to your list of reasons to tear-up your ballot as either way your vote aids in putting a person into such a postion of power that he must commit our troops not to fighting an enemy, but cleaning up the garbage most Russian troops want no part of work best left to Somali war lords or Columbian drug cartels. The
deliberate murder of innocents for
no reason other than it
may make us one less enemy than we already have. Or meet Ivan full might as they pour into Europe and kill them as part of our NATO duties.
I think the next
REFORGER may be a
long very live-fire annual not so much of an exercise this time round.