The time is drawing near what do you want?


New member
Well it's September now and christmas is three months away now. What is on your wish list can be guns, new car,Bike,fishing boat any thing your heart wants. I am hoping for a moss 590 SP but the family and kids comes first so i may not have the 300 to 400 for that. So second on my list is a ASP baton 21''. The other thing on my list is getting every one to sit ad have a big dinner like the old days. Last thing on my list is just my family thats a gift all in it's self.

What I would really like is a small motor home that my wife and could use in a few years when I retire to see some of the country. Oh yes and a closet full of gold to pay for the fuel.
well if we are talking about material things... I would sure love a playstation 3 and a nice plasma tv... could also use a new laptop. and new guns? those are always at the top of my list.. just pick one and give it to me:) an AR-15 would do the job.
Well it's September now and christmas is three months away now. What is on your wish list can be guns, new car,Bike,fishing boat any thing your heart wants. I am hoping for a moss 590 SP but the family and kids comes first so i may not have the 300 to 400 for that. So second on my list is a ASP baton 21''. The other thing on my list is getting every one to sit ad have a big dinner like the old days. Last thing on my list is just my family thats a gift all in it's self.

What I think you should have brought up is the fact that by Christmastime, Barack Obama may very well be president-elect, and the countdown to gun control beyond anything we've ever imagined may very well be underway. Because of that, we may have to spend our Christmas money on stockpiling guns and ammo.
Yes that may be. But don't forget that a lot of people own guns even high ranking people. So i do not think it will happen as fast as you think. LOL and if it does you will see crime sky rocket because only BG's will have guns.
After thinking it over what I really want is a conservative,constitutionalist, patriot that is not controlled by the New World Order and with strong moral values to be President of the United States. I know good luck right?:help:
After thinking it over what I really want is a conservative,constitutionalist, patriot that is not controlled by the New World Order and with strong moral values to be President of the United States. I know good luck right?:help:

WOW! You don't mess around with your wish list do you! lol
I have my eye on a stainless springfield 1911, or an AR... and the wifey says I'm gonna get whichever one I decide on! :biggrin:
I'd like to see my shots grouped where I want them instead of low and to the left. I'd like the lightest S&W snubbie 38 with laser grips. And I'd really like a 1965 Griffith 400.
After thinking it over what I really want is a conservative,constitutionalist, patriot that is not controlled by the New World Order and with strong moral values to be President of the United States. I know good luck right?:help:

I guess this means you won't be voting for McCain or Obama, doesn't it?
An adjustable ATI stock and carry bag for my Moss 500 and I'm looking at a good concealable 1911.

Or, maybe braces. I didn't have them when I was younger and some of my teeth are crowded. Getting that fixed would be awesome.

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