The Oath

Keep in mind that this guy Alex Jones is a fringe conspiracy theorist who is essentially another Michael Moore. He, like Moore, has a knack for editing media footage in to support whatever statement he is trying to make. This guy is just another 9-11 truther who thinks the government is out to get him.
I consider the source, but I have been saying for some time now that ALL of the military and law-enforcement community is not against us or the 2nd Amendment. And I saw (from independent sources) what happened in New Orleans during and after Katrina, so all of us should know that the government can go both ways. Corruption and a police state are exactly what the Constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment are all about.

I would like to think that there are many GIs and LEOs out there who will not enforce illegal orders, and who will support the Constitution they are sworn to protect.
What you saw after Katrina was state and local governments, not the federal government, coming in and violating the constitution. Those were police officers and National Guardsmen acting on the orders of the governor and the mayor, both of whom were proven to be 100% incompetent and largely responsible for the poor preperation and response after landfall. Should the gun confiscation have happened? Absolutely not. LEOs should have been putting a stop to the street war/looting being carried out by gangs and other criminal elements and assisting with rescue operations. Not disarming lawful gun owners. Note that most, if not all, of the confiscations you saw via the media were from older gun owners. I do not recall seeing confiscations from any "younger" gun owners. Wonder why that might be?

Another point to bring up is that the confiscations that took place would never have happened if people had acted responsibly and evacuated (with their firearms) when they knew 5 days out that a Cat 5 storm was going to make landfall over New Orleans....not excusing the actions of the police departments, but the situation could have been prevented had people acted responsibly in the first place. And that isn't even going into the other boobery at the hands of the state and local authorities...

"Corruption and a police state are exactly what the Constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment are all about." I agree 100%. My comment was not so much about the reasoning behind the video so much as it was about the fringe sensationalist whackjob who created it...
What you saw after Katrina was state and local governments, not the federal government,FEMA isn't federal? They were the MOST incompetent of all. coming in and violating the constitution. Those were police officers and National Guardsmen acting on the orders of the governor and the mayor, both of whom were proven to be 100% incompetent and largely responsible for the poor preperation and response after landfall. Should the gun confiscation have happened? Absolutely not. LEOs should have been putting a stop to the street warLEOs abandoned their posts and left the city, didn't show up for work/looting being carried out by gangs and other criminal elements and assisting with rescue operations. Not disarming lawful gun owners. Note that most, if not all, of the confiscations you saw via the media were from older gun owners. I do not recall seeing confiscations from any "younger" gun owners. Wonder why that might be?You haven't looked hard enough. There were plenty of working class/age people who's guns were stolen, including a lawyer in the rich section

Another point to bring up is that the confiscations that took place would never have happened if people had acted responsibly and evacuated (with their firearms) when they knew 5 days out that a Cat 5 storm was going to make landfall over New Orleans....not excusing the actions of the police departments, but the situation could have been prevented had people acted responsibly in the first place. And that isn't even going into the other boobery at the hands of the state and local authorities...Now you're showing your lack of knowledge in the situation. Weapons were confiscated from people getting on the busses and entering public facilities. And there is video of cops stealing carts full of designer sneakers from one store. It was mayhem.

"Corruption and a police state are exactly what the Constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment are all about." I agree 100%. My comment was not so much about the reasoning behind the video so much as it was about the fringe sensationalist whackjob who created it...

If it were not for Alex and a few others we'd have no idea about corrupt groups like Builderberg. Anyone who at this stage of the game thinks the federal government is your warm and fuzzy buddy, and cares about you, shouldn't be calling ANYONE a "Whackjob" You tube is full of videos on this topic of "The Oath" and on Katrina, which have nothing what so ever to do with Alex Jones. The truth is at your finger tips.
Another conspiracy theorist shows his hand. 1st hand experience versus you watching the "news" and buying into crackpots like Alex Jones don't quite compare. I was down there 9 times.

Bildeberg? Seriously? You are another one of these fringe lunatics who thinks the Rockefellers and the Illuminati and the CFR are planning global domination. Put your tin foil hat back on and go back to your short wave radio.

Next you are going to explain to us how 9/11 was an inside job....
You certainly didn't learn much for nine trips. You should have just sent them the money you wasted on travel and they might have done something useful with it. (I suspect you're flapping about LA.) I didn't go there, but I and my co workers had fund raisers and sent money to people we knew there who were devastated.

Maybe this guy standing on his own, NOT being presented by Alex Jones, will be less offensive to you. I suppose whatever Jones says is automatically demonized by you, regardless of its accuracy or degree of truth. No. I'm not going to tell you anything about 9/11. You're way to ignorant and tunnel visioned to tell you anything. You make that quite obvious. You just stand there at attention and follow the herd, and let the world move on around you and we'll all be okay. Others who actually grew a set will pick up the slack for you.I won't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

Now, for the rest of you who have the brains to think for yourselves, here is a video (not from Alex Jones) presented by the founder of Oath Keepers. It's free information, which you can watch if you like, and process and do with it what you like. I'm not shoving MY opinion up anyone's arse, like some people here. Just presenting some information which I think others will find interesting.

YouTube - Oath Keepers Muster on Lexington Green 4/19/2009 1 of 10
The "information" you are presenting is one step removed from sedition. "Covert conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority."

"I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Four times now I have taken that oath. Nowhere in there does it say "unless I don't agree with the actions of the President". Unless his orders are struck down by the Supreme Court, any order given by a commissioned officer based on the orders of the President is a lawful order. Period. I take that kinda seriously. I am no Obama supporter by any means, but what you people are advocating is almost as divisive as politics in today's world.

As for wasting money on travel - you (assuming you are a taxpayer) footed the bill for that. I see you were content to sit on your rear while the real men went to work. Typical.

I must have touched a nerve there with the 9/11 comment. Go ahead, start in with the 9/11-Truther crap. You people that buy into that are just as bad as the Code Pink-ers and Sheehans of the world.

"You just stand there at attention and follow the herd, and let the world move on around you and we'll all be okay. Others who actually grew a set will pick up the slack for you.I won't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man."

Sorry, no herd following here. Leading Marines doesn't really lend itself to being a mindless automaton. Others who grew a set huh? How many times have you been to combat there big boy? Pretty tough talk for an armchair commando. You won't get into a battle of wits because I suspect you don't like being exposed as the fringe extremist you are.

People who can think for themselves will look at this and see it for the load of bull it is. You keep worrying about the Illuminati and the UN invading...
The "information" you are presenting is one step removed from sedition. "Covert conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority."

"I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Four times now I have taken that oath. Nowhere in there does it say "unless I don't agree with the actions of the President". In other words, someone needs to tell you when to think. You can't tell right from wrong on your own? Unless his orders are struck down by the Supreme Court, any order given by a commissioned officer based on the orders of the President is a lawful order. So if you're ordered to burn some women and children alive, you'll take it to the supreme court. Period. I take that kinda seriously. I am no Obama supporter by any means, but what you people who are "You people?"are advocating is almost as divisive as politics in today's world. At least you understand that much.

As for wasting money on travel - you (assuming you are a taxpayer) footed the bill for that. I see you were content to sit on your rear while the real men went to work. Let's see. I do MY job. Then foot the bill to pay you to hold citizens captive in a hell zone. Then raise private funding on top of that. And YOU want a medal just for doing your job? Is that about it? Typical.

I must have touched a nerve there with the 9/11 comment. Go ahead, start in with the 9/11-Truther crap. You people that buy into that are just as bad as the Code Pink-ers and Sheehans of the world.

I have never said one word about 9/11. You seem to be hung up on it for some reason. Or is that your cop out for everything you don't understand and feel like ranting about? Typical. Throw stones at anything you don't understand. Face it. You have been trained to be a sheep. Maybe the head of the herd with the bell on your neck, but a sheep none the less. You're becoming more obvious by the moment. Follow orders. Don't think. Just do. And when you do WRONG, pass the buck back up the chain to the sheep dog?

"You just stand there at attention and follow the herd, and let the world move on around you and we'll all be okay. Others who actually grew a set will pick up the slack for you.I won't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man."

Sorry, no herd following here. Leading Marines doesn't really lend itself to being a mindless automaton. Others who grew a set huh? How many times have you been to combat there big boy? Pretty tough talk for an armchair commando. I have no desire to be a commando. Do you know what the political machine which owns the military thinks of the men and women fighting. And don't get ticked off at me, these are Henry Kissinger's words, not mine. ""Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign
policy" You would do well to put all your conspiracy theories out of your head, and study poklitics and banking and history. You'll thank yourself for it later.
You won't get into a battle of wits because I suspect you don't like being exposed as the fringe extremist you are. Where did you learn all this radical terminology? Sounds like you are the closet extremist here.

People who can think for themselves will look at this and see it for the load of bull it is. You keep worrying about the Illuminati and the UN invading...
I don't worry about conspiracy theories. I only worry about people like YOU. and you have blatantly proven what the video and association have brought to the attention of the public. That there are herds or well armed and trained sheep, who could turn on the people who they are supposed to be protecting at any given moment, because somebody up the sheep command gave the order. Thank you for proving my point so flawlessly. My work is done here.
If it were not for Alex and a few others we'd have no idea about corrupt groups like Builderberg. Anyone who at this stage of the game thinks the federal government is your warm and fuzzy buddy, and cares about you, shouldn't be calling ANYONE a "Whackjob" You tube is full of videos on this topic of "The Oath" and on Katrina, which have nothing what so ever to do with Alex Jones. The truth is at your finger tips.

+1. I find that those that scream conspiracy theorist are most often those that only get their news from the major news media. Oh well nothing like being brain washed. As far as the claim that it is local or state police that only infringe on constitutional rights I guess some people have short memories about Randy weavers family or Waco.
Well,I would guess the truth lies somewhere between both extremes. I feel something is wrong with our Gov.
I served in the U.S.Army,and did what I was told. But when everyone's 401K disappears,except the ultra rich,
and the Gov. gives out loans in the millions to the wrong people using the money for the wrong things.
And when the Gov. disregards the second or any amendments, their is defiantly something wrong!!!
And that's just a start!!!!!!
GM got millions in loans,but when I got laid off GMAC did NOT give me a break on my car loan,and demanded there car back after 4 years of payments,but hay,that's just business and our Gov.,right..
Big money business gets help,small guy can go to hell,our Gov,and the ultra rich don't care!!!!
Well done? Seems that the majority of people posting in this thread do not agree with him.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
~ Samuel Adams, debates of 1776

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic." --Dresden James
Thanks Col Jim.

It is one thing to advocate for preparedness and be the voice of opposition. To encourage others to educate themselves, to be active in the political arena.

It is another thing entirely to promote subversion within the ranks of the military. You are soliciting LEOs and military personnel to engage in sedition.

So just like BHO, abiding by the rule of law is something that is done when it suits you. Next you will want to twist the Constitution to suit your goals just as the muj bast*rdize the Koran to justify their actions.
This is STILL a country of laws governed ultimately by the constitution. This president was duly elected by the people of this country (however misguided). Last I checked this was NOT some Latin American banana republic where the people revolt if their man is not elected. Many people were incensed over Bush. Would you expect them to revolt against him? I'm 67 years old. If this country can survive Carter and Clinton, we can survive anyone. We are no where near the point that revolution is justified. Have faith in America, in her laws, and in the American people. Obama will be a one term president.
If Alex Jones would just show a little sanity I could possibly listen to him. But he sounds like a manaic on speed. No one can take him seriously when he opens his mouth. As far as the oath we all know its not a perfect world and human nature always gets in the way. It takes a remarkable human being to do any job to its true calling.
Two additional points:

If the economic collapse had not occurred in Sept/Oct I don't think Obama would have been elected. The economy is what got Clinton elected.

And - I do not based my opinions on polls. I don't care how many disagree with me.
I think these people need to get their brainwashed head out of their behind and check things out it is not only Alax Jones saying this but other I agree with Old Owl All you people need to find the truth and I don't mean from the commie news that is on tv or in the paper
I agree.

I think these people need to get their brainwashed head out of their behind and check things out it is not only Alax Jones saying this but other I agree with Old Owl All you people need to find the truth and I don't mean from the commie news that is on tv or in the paper

Gee, my oath required me to protect and defend The Constitution Of The United States first and foremost. If rders violate constitutional principles, I was not obligated to obey. and I will not. If t is a seditious act to do that, SIGN ME UP. As far as ConspiracyTheories and such, go read " The Unseen Hand" by A. Ralph Eppeson, who was a history professor at the university of arizona, hardly a "bunker buddy". There are too many things going wrong at once, both nationally and globally, to believe it is happenstance. somebody somewhere is pulling strings. out.:angry:
O.K so you don't like Alex Jones well for those of you that dismiss anything that is hard for you to grasp, before you reject all possibilities read the following books.
Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison A.M. written in 1798
World Revolution by Nesta Webster She first wrote in 1921 and continued to update and add until her death after which her friend Anthony Gittens finished the sixth and final edition.
The above two are no Johnny come lately.
A third book that everyone should read is "The Invisible Government" by Dan Smoot, first printing 1962
You might want to do a little research on Mr Smoot before you dismiss what he has to say.
O.K boys and girls that is your home work assignment. After you have read the three books report back to me.