The "information" you are presenting is one step removed from sedition. "Covert conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority."
"I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Four times now I have taken that oath. Nowhere in there does it say "unless I don't agree with the actions of the President". In other words, someone needs to tell you when to think. You can't tell right from wrong on your own? Unless his orders are struck down by the Supreme Court, any order given by a commissioned officer based on the orders of the President is a lawful order. So if you're ordered to burn some women and children alive, you'll take it to the supreme court. Period. I take that kinda seriously. I am no Obama supporter by any means, but what you people who are "You people?"are advocating is almost as divisive as politics in today's world. At least you understand that much.
As for wasting money on travel - you (assuming you are a taxpayer) footed the bill for that. I see you were content to sit on your rear while the real men went to work. Let's see. I do MY job. Then foot the bill to pay you to hold citizens captive in a hell zone. Then raise private funding on top of that. And YOU want a medal just for doing your job? Is that about it? Typical.
I must have touched a nerve there with the 9/11 comment. Go ahead, start in with the 9/11-Truther crap. You people that buy into that are just as bad as the Code Pink-ers and Sheehans of the world.
I have never said one word about 9/11. You seem to be hung up on it for some reason. Or is that your cop out for everything you don't understand and feel like ranting about? Typical. Throw stones at anything you don't understand. Face it. You have been trained to be a sheep. Maybe the head of the herd with the bell on your neck, but a sheep none the less. You're becoming more obvious by the moment. Follow orders. Don't think. Just do. And when you do WRONG, pass the buck back up the chain to the sheep dog?
"You just stand there at attention and follow the herd, and let the world move on around you and we'll all be okay. Others who actually grew a set will pick up the slack for you.I won't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man."
Sorry, no herd following here. Leading Marines doesn't really lend itself to being a mindless automaton. Others who grew a set huh? How many times have you been to combat there big boy? Pretty tough talk for an armchair commando. I have no desire to be a commando. Do you know what the political machine which owns the military thinks of the men and women fighting. And don't get ticked off at me, these are Henry Kissinger's words, not mine. ""Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign
policy" You would do well to put all your conspiracy theories out of your head, and study poklitics and banking and history. You'll thank yourself for it later. You won't get into a battle of wits because I suspect you don't like being exposed as the fringe extremist you are. Where did you learn all this radical terminology? Sounds like you are the closet extremist here.
People who can think for themselves will look at this and see it for the load of bull it is. You keep worrying about the Illuminati and the UN invading...