The Message Is Clear - It's Time For Illinois to Adopt Concealed Carry


Staff member
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

Every day, hundreds of Illinois citizens are raped, robbed, murdered, bullied and brutalized by lawless criminals who, thanks to Illinois' ineffective justice system, roam our streets with near impunity. This unfortunate situation is made all the worse by the fact that the Illinois General Assembly refuses to allow law-abiding citizens to carry defensive firearms. In fact, under current Illinois law, citizens who use a defensive firearm to protect self and family from violent crime could spend more time in jail than the thug that attacked them.

The good people of Illinois are sick and tired of having to make the daily choice between becoming a victim of violent crime, or becoming a felon for exercising preparedness. On November 4th, voters in 14 Illinois counties went to the polls to vote on referenda advising the general assembly to pass a concealed carry law. When the votes were counted, 10 of 14 counties had voted in favor of allowing law-abiding citizens to carry defensive firearms.

"The message is clear," commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "Illinoisans are weary of living in one of only two states that deny citizens the right to protect themselves and family with the most effective means available - the defensive firearm. We've all heard over and over again this morning that Americans have voted for change. Well, yesterday's referenda votes were all about change as well. It's time for the General Assembly to abandon its mistrust of average citizens and allow them to provide for their own defense."

"The lack of a concealed carry law in Illinois is not for lack of trying," continued Pearson. "Year in and year out, the ISRA and its supporters in the General Assembly have introduced bills to authorize concealed carry. And, year in and year out, House Speaker Michael Madigan has seen to it that those bills never get out of committee. Denying the General Assembly the opportunity to debate the issue does a great disservice to the citizens of Illinois."

"When the next legislative session convenes, yet another concealed carry bill will be introduced," said Pearson. "Hopefully, the success of this week's referenda will prod the Speaker to allow this issue to get the attention it deserves. No government should force citizens to choose between a hospital room and a prison cell."

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.

Source: Illinois State Rifle Association
Speaking from here in Arizona... it should be a very simple method of removing House Speaker Michael Madigan from office for NOT obliding by the will of the people who put he and others in office in the first place. Need to put in plcae amethod of removing representatives that refuse to act on the will of it's people (VOTERS) They work for US... we are the government. Lets get them all out. My idea is to vote out every incumberent and bring in all new blood. They (new candidates) are the only ones that can fix the problem, since none of the other existing representatives, will. Just my thoghts [email protected]
I have a licence to carry in "the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts" and have had it for 20 yrs. it is NOT specific about concealed or open;therefor everyone in Massachusetts has to carry concealed.
IF open carry WAS allowed, you would know who had them . crime would go down

IF I carry open, i would loose my permit

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

Every day, hundreds of Illinois citizens are raped, robbed, murdered, bullied and brutalized by lawless criminals who, thanks to Illinois' ineffective justice system, roam our streets with near impunity. This unfortunate situation is made all the worse by the fact that the Illinois General Assembly refuses to allow law-abiding citizens to carry defensive firearms. In fact, under current Illinois law, citizens who use a defensive firearm to protect self and family from violent crime could spend more time in jail than the thug that attacked them.

The good people of Illinois are sick and tired of having to make the daily choice between becoming a victim of violent crime, or becoming a felon for exercising preparedness. On November 4th, voters in 14 Illinois counties went to the polls to vote on referenda advising the general assembly to pass a concealed carry law. When the votes were counted, 10 of 14 counties had voted in favor of allowing law-abiding citizens to carry defensive firearms.

"The message is clear," commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "Illinoisans are weary of living in one of only two states that deny citizens the right to protect themselves and family with the most effective means available - the defensive firearm. We've all heard over and over again this morning that Americans have voted for change. Well, yesterday's referenda votes were all about change as well. It's time for the General Assembly to abandon its mistrust of average citizens and allow them to provide for their own defense."

"The lack of a concealed carry law in Illinois is not for lack of trying," continued Pearson. "Year in and year out, the ISRA and its supporters in the General Assembly have introduced bills to authorize concealed carry. And, year in and year out, House Speaker Michael Madigan has seen to it that those bills never get out of committee. Denying the General Assembly the opportunity to debate the issue does a great disservice to the citizens of Illinois."

"When the next legislative session convenes, yet another concealed carry bill will be introduced," said Pearson. "Hopefully, the success of this week's referenda will prod the Speaker to allow this issue to get the attention it deserves. No government should force citizens to choose between a hospital room and a prison cell."

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.

Source: Illinois State Rifle Association

Not going to happen. As I understand it 2/3 of both houses of the legislature come from the Chicago metropolitan area. The will of the rest of the poeple of Illinois simply doesn't matter.
:big_boss:It's rather quite funny that i am over here in Iraq fighting, just to know that the soldiers in my platoon from Illinios could go back home and not be able to defend themselves the way they have been trained and have had the god given rights to do so in this country thanks to all the wanna be gangbangers and the politicians who cant decide if they want the gun on the good guys side or on the guys side who has to buy it on the street and then rob someone to pay for it..
Not going to happen. As I understand it 2/3 of both houses of the legislature come from the Chicago metropolitan area. The will of the rest of the poeple of Illinois simply doesn't matter.

It always falls short by one stinking vote! I'm so sick of Chicago's influence across the state! They have the highest taxes, the most corruption, and kids aren't even safe going to and from school. Yet, the politicians from Chicago (king richard mostly) talk about how it's senseless when a kid or a preganant woman is shot and killed! The police force is strained due to the economy and lack of funds, and the murder rate shows it. Still the state refuses to budge on it's CCW law. I guess the politicians don't want to lose some votes from the gang bangers that get to prey on people at will.:secret:
:big_boss:It's rather quite funny that i am over here in Iraq fighting, just to know that the soldiers in my platoon from Illinios could go back home and not be able to defend themselves the way they have been trained and have had the god given rights to do so in this country thanks to all the wanna be gangbangers and the politicians who cant decide if they want the gun on the good guys side or on the guys side who has to buy it on the street and then rob someone to pay for it..

Reminds me of the time that I came home on leave after being in Germany for over 3 yrs., and I couldn't even look at a gun. I had no idea that I needed a FOID card, and knew nothing about them. I handled guns practically on a daily basis, but yet even with a military I.D., I couldn't look at a pistol. All I could do was laugh, because the kid behind the counter was younger than me.

As far as letting Iraq veterans carry guns, are you kidding? Employers in IL, including the Chicago Police Dept. are scared of hiring you guys. There was an article not too long ago about how Iraq war vets weren't passing the psych test. So God forbid you guys coming home and actually hitting what your aiming at versus some random shots by a gangbanger that will wound or kill an innocent bystander.
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