The latest from Florida concerning guns in vehicles at work

Forida permits

Yep can not beat it! I can ride the bike almost year round. 15 mins from the beach. And out of just over 18,000,000 people almost 485,000 permits. Thats about 1 in 38 have a permit!

Considering a pretty good percentage of those 18 million are under the legal age to carry, it is even better than 1 in 38. Well done, Floridians.
Interesting column from Link Removed regarding the new law. It points out many of the fallacies that anti-gun rights groups use to argue the guns at work bill. Worth a read.
Interesting column from Link Removed regarding the new law. It points out many of the fallacies that anti-gun rights groups use to argue the guns at work bill. Worth a read.

A BIG + 1

Mike Thomas' article begins as you would expect a typical news media article to read: anti-gun. BUT READ ON! His stats on gun ownership/concealed weapns permits in Florida, etc. are great. And more than a fair number of comments are supportive and as always, logical.
The Chamber of Gomers has a law suit to stop this law from going into effect. I think we should suggest boycotting them and not using their services.
The Chamber of Gomers has a law suit to stop this law from going into effect. I think we should suggest boycotting them and not using their services.

I had read the same thing. They are also trying to get the July 1st affective date postponed.
That is a good reason not to advertise. NRA stickers and pro gunn stickers.Yes I would rather have it on me too,but swimming at the springs is always a problem.Glock 23 prints inside my bathing suit. Open carry would be OK.Hell I might shoot a bass.