The importantce of Spleling...


New member
I've seen this before, but thought I would share, in case you had not..
Do you remember all those spelling tests you had to do in school:hang3:.. What a waste of time:man_in_love:.. I want all those hours of studying and testing back:angry:!!!

i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i wsa rdanieg. the phaonmeal pweor of the hmuan
mnid, aoccdrnig to a rsheearch at cmabdgire uinervtisy, it dseon't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod
are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. the rset can be a taotl mses
and yuo cna sitll raed it whotuit a pbeorlm. tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef but the wrods as a wlohe. azanmig huh? yaeh and i awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
I love those spelling tests!! Ours happened every Friday afternoon before we go home. Then there are the sporadic little spelling written tests spread out during the week and the once in a while teacher asking you the spelling of ... after you have just done your explanation of a topic being discussed. When the time came, I was one of those spelling bee contestants held in a large theatre. I came second in the overall for the whole country because I failed to spell "tryst". Dumbo! I felt so ashamed of myself at the time. NOW??? I feel so ashame that my middle child couldn't even send me a proper email without resorting to cell phone style messaging called "texting"....and I am saying nothing about it??? Shame on me!!!

Story of my life, huh?

I use ieSpell which can check most all the spelling when writing on line. It's free and catches most typing errors (which is what I blame for spelling errors). It doesn't catch misuse of words or a mistake that ends up with a real word result of a misspelling.
Then -than

So, what is the excuse for "then" being misused 9 times out of ten? It is being used instead of "than". Why?

I would rather have a wonderful dinner of my choice "than" to be raped and beheaded.

I would rather have a wonderful dinner of my choice, "then" to be raped and beheaded.

For the people who say "Who cares, you knew what I meant."

I guess in the above case they would care, wouldn't they!

It isn't complicated knowing which one to use. As far as I know, there are only two reasons why someone would misuse them. Being stupid or lazy, one or both of the two.

stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd]adj1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence

People don't like to be called "stupid". No one can make anyone "look" stupid. The only one who can make "us" look stupid... is ourselves.

Why people like to do that, (look stupid) I have no idea.

I don't know about "lazy" as a reason to hit "e" instead of an "a" since their finger is already on the "a".

And the misuse of "your" / "you're". About the same amount. And so easy to use it correctly. Anytime you want to use "your", like in "Your right about that", which is wrong usage, just add "are" to the word "your" and you will have it licked. As in "you are using it correctly".

Again: Does the sentence sound correct with the word "are" after the "your"? If it does, then use it.

Your right about that. NO
You are right about that. YES

Your is used with "things".

Your: arm, leg, car, house, hat, shoe, wife, husband, kids, gun, money.

Your intelligence. YES
You are intelligence. NO
You are intelligent. YES

Your stupidity. YES
You are stupidity. NO
You are stupid. YES

Your rich. NO
You are rich. YES

Pretty simple. And what about all the misuse of: their/there/they're?

They're sitting over there with their kids.

Question for Tucker's Mom:

You said:"I came second in the overall for the whole country because..."

It seems I learned:"I came in second, overall, for the whole country because...".

I had a real struggle with English and Math in school, getting c's and d's most of the time, but did finally graduate from High School, so I'm not really sure which way is correct or if both ways are correct? Curious, curious ALL the time about MOST things. Even English usage.

I enjoy English, a lot. YES, "a lot" IS two words. So is "no one", it is NOT noone. And on, and on, and on... forever. LOL

Yes, the original post is fun, but no excuse for misusing/misspelling words, is it?

At close to 2 o'clock in the morning, this is probably full of spelling errors, but I am going to bed. I have to work today. Yawn.
Spell checker

tinySpell is free to use also and works with ANY Windows ([FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helv,Helvetica]Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista)[/FONT] program you are in, not just the browsers. GREAT program! I've been using it for years and really depend on it. Why? Because I am a terrible speller.
In agreement...

"There, their, and they're", are the ones that annoy me most.... So often wrong in context...

But it is, afterall, about communicating ain't it? Someone's occasional misspells, don't much bother me as long as I can understand what's being conveyed...


Carry on Gunslingers...

Spell checker will not catch a misused word only if is is spelled wrong. A good example is to, too, two.
"There, their, and they're", are the ones that annoy me most.... So often wrong in context...

But it is, afterall, about communicating ain't it? Someone's occasional misspells, don't much bother me as long as I can understand what's being conveyed...


Carry on Gunslingers...


Surely there is a different way to say "on"?

tinySpell seems to think your "afterall" is misspelled, that it should be "after all". :)
Spell checker will not catch a misused word only if is is spelled wrong. A good example is to, too, two.

This is too much to do with two, because the two of us are going to the store and we must make sure we don't spend too much money.

Yes, it would be nice to learn how to use to/too/two.
People....people.....SETTLE DOWN!!!

Aren't some of us going overboard here??? I thought this topic started as spelling, now it has escalated to grammar and corrections of sentences? Are you trying to scare some posters here? Just asking....

You see, we have to try to understand other people too if they cannot sometimes express themselves fairly well -- because perhaps, English IS NOT their first language??? How about that reason, huh? There are at least 37 or 57 versions of English in this world. And some of the posters here are NOT all Americans who live here or grew up here. Sometimes, it is hard to translate in one's coconut how to form a particular sentence to convey what one means. In the process, the genders sometimes got mixed up because there are countries that do not really have any specifics on she and he in their language but is included in the word itself. This is just one example.

Try to understand others.....why perhaps they make a mistake...not shoot them down -- it wasn't really a bullet that had killed you that is why you are still able to post. Even Americans in this country alone can't understand one another's terminologies and phrases, the way it is conveyed to one another...if you are a normal American, try talking to a Texan...for example...:biggrin:

Be least they are trying...give them credit for that. Tell you the truth, my husband, a true blue born and bred in Kansas, is a very intelligent man in his own passions and interests, on things he likes to do and enjoy doing. He can convey himself very well -- verbally. But put him in his desk to write a letter to someone, he'd yell from across the room or atop the stairs just to ask me if the word 'I' or 'E' comes first after 'TH' in 'THIEF' or does "accessories" have two 'C's or double 'S'-ses??? And he has two of those 6" dictionaries within his reach...Now, THAT is the real definition of 'lazy', don't you think??? But I love him anyway...

And oh, btw -- I did not spell-check this post...have fun with it...
People....people.....SETTLE DOWN!!!

Aren't some of us going overboard here??? I thought this topic started as spelling, now it has escalated to grammar and corrections of sentences? Are you trying to scare some posters here? Just asking....

You see, we have to try to understand other people too if they cannot sometimes express themselves fairly well -- because perhaps, English IS NOT their first language??? How about that reason, huh? There are at least 37 or 57 versions of English in this world. And some of the posters here are NOT all Americans who live here or grew up here. Sometimes, it is hard to translate in one's coconut how to form a particular sentence to convey what one means. In the process, the genders sometimes got mixed up because there are countries that do not really have any specifics on she and he in their language but is included in the word itself. This is just one example.

Try to understand others.....why perhaps they make a mistake...not shoot them down -- it wasn't really a bullet that had killed you that is why you are still able to post. Even Americans in this country alone can't understand one another's terminologies and phrases, the way it is conveyed to one another...if you are a normal American, try talking to a Texan...for example...:biggrin:

Be least they are trying...give them credit for that. Tell you the truth, my husband, a true blue born and bred in Kansas, is a very intelligent man in his own passions and interests, on things he likes to do and enjoy doing. He can convey himself very well -- verbally. But put him in his desk to write a letter to someone, he'd yell from across the room or atop the stairs just to ask me if the word 'I' or 'E' comes first after 'TH' in 'THIEF' or does "accessories" have two 'C's or double 'S'-ses??? And he has two of those 6" dictionaries within his reach...Now, THAT is the real definition of 'lazy', don't you think??? But I love him anyway...

And oh, btw -- I did not spell-check this post...have fun with it...
I do not say much about others because I realize my spelling and grammar is far from the best. I was a product of the public school system. Of course that excuse will go only so far because my wife went to public school and she is great at both.
I love those spelling tests!! Ours happened every Friday afternoon before we go home. Then there are the sporadic little spelling written tests spread out during the week and the once in a while teacher asking you the spelling of ... after you have just done your explanation of a topic being discussed. When the time came, I was one of those spelling bee contestants held in a large theatre. I came second in the overall for the whole country because I failed to spell "tryst". Dumbo! I felt so ashamed of myself at the time. NOW??? I feel so ashame that my middle child couldn't even send me a proper email without resorting to cell phone style messaging called "texting"....and I am saying nothing about it??? Shame on me!!!

Story of my life, huh?

I hate dat txting splling style. dats jst ignrant.
seriously.. it drives me NUTS!!!