The Great Che/Obama? Best video EVER!!!

Scary video but true. To the life of me I can't see how anyone could vote for Hussein. I guess it's a Socialist/Communist thing. Check out the videos web site. Link Removed

Scary video but true. To the life of me I can't see how anyone could vote for Hussein. I guess it's a Socialist/Communist thing. Check out the videos web site. Link Removed

what can America expect form a man that was voted the "most liberal" in the Senate, a man that attended for 20+ years a non-christain church; one that preaches a theology ooposite that of the bible. forget the comparisons to the "anti-christ" etc, this guy is a socialist on the verge of marxism; distribution of wealth determined by the govenment, cradle to grave "care" by the government, this is the type of platform leaders like Hitler used..why is it that the left and apparently some on the right can not see this guy for what he is?
What is really scarry is the number of people that acts as if he is the second coming of Christ.
I know everyone will disagree, but this video is pure hyperbole, plain and simple. Yes, he is a gun grabber, a tax raiser and borderline socialist, but this video uses many tactics that we accuse the Bradys of, mainly the chicken little sky is falling type of scare tactics. Don't get me wrong, I'm not voting for Obama, but I am suspicious any time I see videos like this, whether they're about Obama or whether they're about gun control and its so-called "benefits." I refuse to allow my vote to be influenced by hyperbole and propaganda, and this video is all the above.
The bottom line is does the video tell the truth. If not then where does it lie. I still think the man is very dangerous and it will be a disaster if he is elected.
The bottom line is does the video tell the truth. If not then where does it lie. I still think the man is very dangerous and it will be a disaster if he is elected.

I agree that as a gun owner, seeing him in office makes me quite nervous. But all these predictions of doom and gloom are overkill, and we all know it.
I agree that as a gun owner, seeing him in office makes me quite nervous. But all these predictions of doom and gloom are overkill, and we all know it.

No, "we all" don't know it. I'm not really sure which way you see things tattedupboy.

I've read most of your posts (and everyone else's) and you have a tendency to latch on to negative comments or post them yourself. I've tried to bite my tongue on many of your posts or at least lead them off a direct attack on you. I think you're pretty negative though and I also think you're kind of a "post whore". I'm NOT bashing you but, if you really feel it's in my interests to lighten up on Obama or the pure insanity that is his campaign then, maybe you and I are just on a different team. And that's O.K. and perfectly American.

Thanks for crapping on my thread and, enjoy your groovy "Viva La Che" T-shirt.
No, "we all" don't know it. I'm not really sure which way you see things tattedupboy.

I've read most of your posts (and everyone else's) and you have a tendency to latch on to negative comments or post them yourself. I've tried to bite my tongue on many of your posts or at least lead them off a direct attack on you. I think you're pretty negative though and I also think you're kind of a "post whore". I'm NOT bashing you but, if you really feel it's in my interests to lighten up on Obama or the pure insanity that is his campaign then, maybe you and I are just on a different team. And that's O.K. and perfectly American.

Thanks for crapping on my thread and, enjoy your groovy "Viva La Che" T-shirt.

Look, all I'm saying is that while everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions on the candidates, don't think for one second that I'm trying to get anyone to vote for him (after all, let's not forget how incredibly anti-gun he is). As for me being negative, that's really a shock to me; if anything, all these posters saying stuff about him like anti christ, terrorist, Muslim, etc. are the negative ones, not me. All I'm attempting to do is to get people on this site not to resort to or be seduced by the Brady-like tactics of fear-mongering. If that makes me negative, I suppose I'm guilty as charged, but I honestly don't see that way.

By the way, I'm a post whore? What's that supposed to mean? If posting a lot on this forum is a bad thing, then maybe you should call HK4U, Red Hat, Kwo51, and several others post whores also based on their post counts.

I honestly don't see what I've done, besides post my honest opinion, to deserve this.
WE'RE ALL screwed either way!

I agree! While McCain is only ok as far as gun rights are concerned, he is still an extremely flawed candidate, particularly with respect to drilling and free speech (the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law). I don't know about any of you, but this guy doesn't belong in the White House any more than Obama does. I still haven't decided if I'll cast a write in vote for Ron Paul or vote Libertarian, but all I do know is that I won't be voting for either McCain or Obama.