The great american outdoor show


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I see the NRA backed Great American Outdoor Show at Harrisburg Pa. is coming up Feb. 1-9th. I have never attended but am thinking of going this year. I have a question. Since I have a DE. and PA. Non-resident CCW, will I be allowed to carry at the show?
I don't seem to be able to find and answer on the show website or on the PA. discussion forum. Can anybody give me a factual answer, not just an opinion.
The show went into the toilet last year because they were not going to allow "assault weapons" to be sold at the show. They didn't expect the ****** storm that followed their ill conceived notion of do goody.
I'm not into assault weapons, so have no problem. However that does not answer the concealed carry of a pistol on the grounds question.
I'm not into assault weapons, so have no problem. However that does not answer the concealed carry of a pistol on the grounds question.

My experience is most gun shows do not allow loaded firearms, that is no ammo and no magazines in the show. That is for insurance purposes. Go to the promoters web site and you should find the information there. By the way...there is no such thing as an assault weapon. The show was canned because the promoter thought he was doing a good thing. Every freakin vendor dropped out. I'm surprised it is actually back.
I did volunteer at the annual NRA show and meeting when it was held in Pittsburgh and I and others carried. That doesn't answer your question but I am going to go to the Great American Outdoor Show and volunteer for the NRA. I plan to carry. If I am not allowed that then I guess the won't need my services.
This is not a "gun show" where you bring your gun to sell or be appraised. The promoters of the show last year and the previous show thought they would be politically correct and all the vendors dropped out causing it's cancellation. The show is now primarily promoted and sponsored by the NRA. If it is not against the law how would it look if the NRA went "PC" and said no carry allowed?

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