The CZ thread


New member
I just bought a CZ P-01 and I love it. The price was great for the quality, and now I'm looking at the rest of the CZ line. CZ lovers? haters? Let's hear what you have to say...
The only one I have is a CZ82. Got it from AIm surplus. I haven't shot it much, but I sure think it was worth what I paid for it. I have heard very few bad things about CZ
Any gun which can claim lineage from the venerable Sig P210 is good, in my book.

The P-01 would be my first choice... or perhaps a P-06 (.40s&w version). I don't own a CZ currently.
Here's the down and dirty. BTW I got mine new, out the door price about $425.

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Ammo 9 mm LUGER
Magazine capacity 14
Rate of twist 1:9.7 in

Weight 1.7 lbs
Overall Length 7.2 in
Barrel Length 3.9 in
Height 5.3 in
Width 1.4 in

Frame light alloy
Grips rubber
Trigger mech. SA/DA
Sights fixed
Safety elements, safety Decocking Lever, Safety Stop on Hammer, Firing Pin Safety

The P-01 is now a NATO classified pistol and issued the NATO stock number NSN 1005-16-000-8619.

The CZ P-01 is the culmination of several years of exhaustive design and testing. Ceska Zbrojovka has always had some of the most rigorous testing requirements in the world but, the Czech National police has required that they go even further, the testing regiment for this new pistol was the most demanding anyone has ever encountered. There are almost 20 specific requirements covering everything from accuracy to interchangability, from safety to reliability/durability and everything in between.

The pistol: The CZ P-01 is a Gen 3 pistol that began as a requirement for a lightweight compact pistol that will deliver the accuracy and durability of a full size, full weight pistol. This was no small task, several manufacturers declined to even start the project.

The first thing you notice about this pistol is the M3 light rail on the frame, a first for CZ, the alloy frame is a little wider at the top than a steel CZ 75. This adds strength and rigidity for mounting the light and increasing the accuracy and service life of the pistol. The P-01 also sports enhanced controls as well as a drop free magazine and a lanyard loop.

The pistol was required to pass a wide variety of tests:

The police required that the pistol ensure the highest level of comfort, an extended slide release was added as well as an extended magazine release and the trigger was reshaped to give a more consistent pull throughout the trigger stroke.

The pistol must be 100% reliable in extreme conditions, the following is a list of some of the minimum requirements.

Must be able to complete the following without failure:

4000 dry firings
3000 De-cockings
Operator level disassembly 1350 times with out ware or damage to components.
Complete disassembly 150 times, this is all the way down, pins, springs etc.
100% interchangability, any number of pistols randomly selected, disassembled, parts mixed and reassembled with no failures of any kind including loss of accuracy.

Safety requirements:

Drop test
1.5 meter (4.9”) drop test, this is done 54 times with the pistol loaded (blank) and the hammer cocked. Dropping the pistol on the butt, the muzzle, back of the slide, sides of the gun, top of the slide, in essence, any angle that you could drop the gun from. This is done on concrete and 0 failures are allowed! A failure is the gun firing.

3meter drop (9.8”) 5 times with the pistol loaded (blank) and the hammer cocked, This is done on concrete and 0 failures are allowed! A failure is the gun firing.

After these tests are complete the gun must fire without service.

The factory contracted an independent lab to do additional testing on guns that previously passed the drop tests. These pistol were dropped an additional 352 times without failure.

The pistol must also complete an environmental conditions test:
This means cold, heat, dust/sand and mud.
The pistol must fire after being frozen for 24 hours at –35C (-36F).
The pistol must fire after being heated for 24 hours at 70C (126F)
The pistol must fire after being submerged in mud, sand and combinations including being stripped of oil then completing the sand and mud tests again.

Service life:
The service life requirement from the Czech police was 15,000 rounds of +P ammo!
The pistol will exceed 30,000 rounds with ball 9mm.

The reliability requirements for the P-01 pistol are 99.8%, that’s a .2% failure rate.
This equals 20 stoppages in 10,000 rounds or 500 “Mean Rounds Between Failure” (MRBF)
During testing, the average number of stoppages was only 7 per 15,000 rounds fired, this is a .05% failure rate, a MRBF rate of 2142 rounds! Over 4 time the minimum acceptable requirement.
The U.S. Army MRBF requirement is 495 rounds for 9mm pistols with 115 grain Ball ammunition.

The P-01 is based on the CZ 75, the most used pistol in the world. Over 60 countries use it as the standard side arm of their Armies, National police forces, National security agencies or other Law enforcement organizations. No other pistol can make this claim.​
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Sweet gun, Ishi! The P-01 is high up on my "must have list." I love my 2075 RAMI and I just recently got it a big brother - 75 B in .40 S&W. Haven't had a chance to shoot the 75 yet, but my dad has a 75 in 9mm that I've shot several times and really like.
Dependable CZs

Bought my first CZ75, in the dark blued version, in 1988....traded it and later, wanted another, bought my current stainless CZ75B from the Rod & Gun in Kitzingen....sweet, sure and dependable. A bit large for normal concealed unless I'm wearing a jacket, so I normally depend on a good used, Walther Polezei Pistole snug in a Sickinger snap top holster.
Bought my first CZ75, in the dark blued version, in 1988....traded it and later, wanted another, bought my current stainless CZ75B from the Rod & Gun in Kitzingen....sweet, sure and dependable. A bit large for normal concealed unless I'm wearing a jacket, so I normally depend on a good used, Walther Polezei Pistole snug in a Sickinger snap top holster.

Is that Kitzingen, Bayern? I didn't know that handguns were even available to the general public in Deutschland (forgive my ignorance, please feel free to educate me on this). 2000 machte ich einen Praktikum bei Siemens... Dazu wohnte ich 3 Monate in Muenchen. Herzlich willkommen bei USAcarry! :D

A stainless CZ75 sounds really nice. I'm looking for a Pre-b CZ75 myself. Love that rounded trigger guard, and without the firing pin block the action should be fantastic.
2000 machte ich einen Praktikum bei Siemens... Dazu wohnte ich 3 Monate in Muenchen. Herzlich willkommen bei USAcarry!
Wie Interessantes! Ich verbrachte drei Jahre in Berlin mit der Armee, aber das war in den späten 60's!
Sweet gun, Ishi! The P-01 is high up on my "must have list." I love my 2075 RAMI and I just recently got it a big brother - 75 B in .40 S&W. Haven't had a chance to shoot the 75 yet, but my dad has a 75 in 9mm that I've shot several times and really like.

Would you talk about your RAMI a bit? I'm really interested in it...
You bet. I have the "older" model RAMI (all steel as opposed to the new polymer RAMI P) in 9mm. It's basically a SA/DA double stack 9mm with a 3" barrel. It has a manual safety so it can be carried "cocked and locked" like a 1911, but I usually carry hammer down for a DA first shot (just personal preference)

It's supposedly modeled on the 75 but in reality its a chopped down model 40. To me, it shoots like the full size 75, though. I've found it to be way more accurate than I am.

I've read on several other forums about some ammo feeding problems with the .40, so I went with the 9mm. Plus, I don't know if shooting .40 ammo through such a small gun would be very fun. The 9mm isn't too bad at all. I did replace my magazine springs with Wolff springs recently, just to be sure.

One of my few gripes about this gun is that it is pretty picky about ammo. It eats just about any FMJ/ball ammo, but HP's are a different story. I initially picked up some Golden Saber and Federal Personal Defense JHPs, intending to carry with one or the other. I found out on the range, however, that my RAMI didn't like either (several FTF/FTE's even after a several hundred round break-in period). I got some Pow'rball, figuring that the round polymer ball nose would be more similar to shooting FMJ's but that was even worse than the Remington/Federal JHP's (FTF/FTE about every 3rd round). I finally found that my gun likes Magtech Guardian Gold JHP's and Federal's Expanding Full Metal Jacket Personal Defense round. No problems with either of those through about 200 rounds so far.

Anyway, I love this gun. It carries much better than my Glock 26 ever did and I can shoot it way better. It is a little heavy, but really not much more so than most other pistols, and with a good holster and belt (or even in my Smartcarry) I don't notice the weight.

Hope this helps. Sorry if I rambled there for a while. I'm more than happy to answer any other questions.
I picked up a stainless 75B recently and just love the gun. I did have one complaint though. The smooth front and rear grip frame straps. I am used to having checkering on both, like my 1911's and other guns. I saw a picture of a Browning Hi Power that had been textured and really liked it. I decided to try my hand at stippling/texturing. I used two bastard files and literally whacked my way to a really nice texture that feels great. Here are some pictures.



here are the files I used to strike the frame and make the stippling/texturing.
Tex, did those grips come stock? If not, where'd you get them? I have a 75B in the satin nickel finish and I think those would be a nice addition.
Tex, did those grips come stock? If not, where'd you get them? I have a 75B in the satin nickel finish and I think those would be a nice addition.

Yes sir,

They did come on the gun. I believe you can get them directly from CZ.


Thank really makes a difference in how the gun handles.


I have one of the newer CZ Rami`s in 40 caliber and i love this little handgun.The recoil isn`t bad at all and it is very accurate for a gun with such a short barrel.It is the gun i carry the most here in florida when the days are hot,which is most of the time,other than my S&W airweight body gaurd 38.I have also heard stories about them being picky with ammo,but mine has shot everything i have fed it with no problems at all.They are easy to take down and clean and the price isn`t bad either.I would definately say take a look at this gun to anyone wanting to purchase one.
eye candy

Finally got replacements for my stripped grip screws. Now I can put on my new grips! From dennis marschal.

It looks pimp.

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Cz-40 was my choice

I liked the step up from 9mm to .40 with a slightly longer barrel length and a tad more weight. I carry at the SOB position (wow, there's a debate for this forum) so concealment wasn't much of a problem. The CZ-40 became my favorite. Liked the heavier round and more solid feel, accuracy stayed the same from my lighter 9.

If I HAVE to complain about something I will comment that I took a training course and the instructor was unhappy that the slide design wasn't as clean as a 1911. It is a bit awkward for the reach-over and rack back movement. His comment seemed valid although I coped differently when on other ranges.
I've had the 40P since about the time they started offering it. Not my usual carry gun due to the larger frame size than my Kahr. Other than a little bit of a gritty trigger, (still), I do enjoy shooting it. One of my 'best buy's' when I picked it up for $300. Still don't understand why they priced them so low...

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