tattedupboy Thank God I'm alive! Oct 29, 2008 #1 Read it here! The Bradys have endorsed Obama/Biden for the presidency. Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Read it here! The Bradys have endorsed Obama/Biden for the presidency. Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Glockster20 Clinging to God and guns Oct 30, 2008 #3 SHOCKER!!! :laugh: The democratic (socialist/marxist) ideology has always been anti-gun and that will never change. More government and less freedoms is their agenda.
SHOCKER!!! :laugh: The democratic (socialist/marxist) ideology has always been anti-gun and that will never change. More government and less freedoms is their agenda.
W wolfhunter Guest Oct 30, 2008 #6 Tatted, did you just make this up? Didn't you listen last night? Sen. Obama is the best thing to happen to this country since that Dutch feller bought Manhattan.
Tatted, did you just make this up? Didn't you listen last night? Sen. Obama is the best thing to happen to this country since that Dutch feller bought Manhattan.
Glock Fan , Oct 30, 2008 #7 Being the "pro sportsman" that Mr. Obama is, I'm sure that he'll be declining the endorsement any day now right??? gf
Being the "pro sportsman" that Mr. Obama is, I'm sure that he'll be declining the endorsement any day now right??? gf
kwo51 New member Oct 30, 2008 #8 The only hunting nobama has done was for snipe.Berkas for all .This thing is going to get really bad.:to_pick_ones_nose3:
The only hunting nobama has done was for snipe.Berkas for all .This thing is going to get really bad.:to_pick_ones_nose3:
tattedupboy Thank God I'm alive! Oct 30, 2008 #9 HK4U said: I am totally shocked. Click to expand... Where's the sarcastic smiley, HK?