New member
I was watching CourtTV today while I was at home waiting on a powder shipment.... aaa I mean sick... (cough cough) when they started talking about the DC gun ban. The anchor lady admits that she is anti gun and for gun control then starts an interview with a lady that was against the ban. Well, I will not get into all the miss info and stats that poured out of her mouth but there was one thing that left me speechless. The anchor lady big argument was that the percentage of killing with a firearm in the US was way to high. Then said "look at London, were stringent gun control is enforced, the percentage of deaths with firearms is drastically less then in DC." Well, after the anchor lady shut her trap and finally let the other woman speak she replied with something along the lines "I can not comment on the percentages but since England has placed the gun ban all violent crimes including killings has gone way up..." The anchor lady cuts her off and say, "Right but the percentage of those violent crimes and killing done with a gun is a lot less then in the US"
OK..... Soooooooo it doesn't matter twice as many people are violently assaulted and/or killed as long as the percentage of a gun being involved is lower????
I really wish the lady being interviewed would have just said, "You're right they really need to ban the private ownership of firearms here in DC that would fix everything.... Oh wait..... "
Ok sorry vent session is over!
OK..... Soooooooo it doesn't matter twice as many people are violently assaulted and/or killed as long as the percentage of a gun being involved is lower????
I really wish the lady being interviewed would have just said, "You're right they really need to ban the private ownership of firearms here in DC that would fix everything.... Oh wait..... "
Ok sorry vent session is over!