Tennessee trying to change laws.


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Here is a list of the new laws Tennessee is trying to change. I like the ability to carry into parks since I live near Memphis and a lot of crimes happen on or around parks. TN is an open carry state.

A Tennessee legislative study committee on handguns recommended approval of four bills to serve as the basis for legislative action this year, all subject to debate and amendments:

HB962: Allows handgun-carry permit holders to take guns into places serving alcohol until 11 p.m., unless owners post signs banning guns.

HB959: Makes gun-carry permit records confidential and levies fines for publishing them.

HB960: Allows permit holders to carry guns into all state and local parks.

HB961: Allows permit holders to carry handguns into state wildlife management areas.

More info: For more details and to contact lawmakers, go to capitol.tn.gov.
The carry where alcohol is served has been changed recently to where you can carry as long as 60% of sales is from food. Now it looks as if they are trying to go further with it.
The carry where alcohol is served has been changed recently to where you can carry as long as 60% of sales is from food. Now it looks as if they are trying to go further with it.

How recently? Do you have a link that states this? As far as I can tell, the law still states that carry is prohibited if any alcohol is sold for consumption on the premises. The current law as stated on the TN state website is as follows...

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39-17-1305. Possession of firearm where alcoholic beverages are served. —

(a) It is an offense for a person to possess a firearm within the confines of a building open to the public where liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages, as defined in § 57-3-101(a)(1)(A), or beer, as defined in § 57-6-102(1), are served for on premises consumption.

(b) A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to a person who is:

(1) In the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer, or is employed in the army, air force, navy, coast guard or marine service of the United States or any member of the Tennessee national guard in the line of duty and pursuant to military regulations, or is in the actual discharge of duties as a correctional officer employed by a penal institution; or

(2) On the person's own premises or premises under the person's control or who is the employee or agent of the owner of the premises with responsibility for protecting persons or property.
[Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 1; 1990, ch. 1029, § 4; 2001, ch. 345, § 1.]
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The carry where alcohol is served has been changed recently to where you can carry as long as 60% of sales is from food. Now it looks as if they are trying to go further with it.

No sir....it failed in committee last spring, and has not been changed.

It is STILL illegal to carry where alcohol is served.
No sir....it failed in committee last spring, and has not been changed.

It is STILL illegal to carry where alcohol is served.

Yes sir you are correct. I could not find the original article I got that from. I did the research and it appears that it has not changed yet. We will watch and see what happens with the new laws. Thanks for the correction.
Wonder how our two parking and traffic-related, fatal permit-carrier shootings in the last three weeks will affect the odds on these passing?
Look under 2A Area, Disappointing and Fuel for Anti's - should be in top 6-7. Two separate incidents.

According to the MEDIA the "parking" shooting was unjustified, but the stories percolating from that incident make me wonder. We will see eventually.
Very true. So far the onformation is still coming out on these incidents. In the first, there is apparently a question as to whether the victim struck the permit-holder's wife and threatened them. In the second, there appear to be no witnesses so far.

So, at this point we cannot say justified or not, exactly. Public opinion though is being molded over the issues of traffic and parking spots being the flash point of the incidents. Many people will jump on this as reasons to fight the bill allowing carry at local parks and athletic fields. Addiitonally, the bill concerning disclosing the names of individual permit-holders is vividly seen in these two articles. Under trhe new law, the paper would have been fined $2,500 each incident.

The Commercial Appeal has an article on this in the paper this morning (Thursday, 26th).

My posting of this on this thread has nothing to do with justified/unjustified, only the impact of public opinion on the pending legislation. It is also posted over in the 2A area.
Wonder how our two parking and traffic-related, fatal permit-carrier shootings in the last three weeks will affect the odds on these passing?

Not at all....the needs of the many still trump the idiocy of the few. Neither event occurred as a result of alcohol, nor were they near any public park.
Didn't this happen in Memphis? What happens in Memphis REALLY needs to stay in Memphis. I would hope the relatively high crime rate there won't dictate laws for the entire state.
Yes, both instances, within a week of each other, happened in Memphis.

The parking lot incident was in Cordova, an area not exactly known for violent crime. The second, an accident, was in the 'hood.
Just poor timing with regard to PR for the legislation. Germantown is hyping it up a bit (see below link) and I suspect the Cordova shooting is on their minds.

Germantown parks officials want board to reconsider neutral stand on guns
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Note the cartoon on the editorial page in the link. I cancelled my subscription today.
I to live near Memphis and am dismayed by the way that the Commercial Appeal reports on things in such a biased way. A local radio station was going to broadcast public info on employees of the paper since the published info on permit holders and the layers filed a seese and desist order. It is ok for them but not for others to do the same. I love the way the newspaper picks and chooses the amendments to follow and how they want to follow them. You go to love a city the keeps re-electing a mayor that has been tied up in corruption and is under investigation now by the feds.
Looks like the new laws are going to become law. The Restaurant law is headed for final vote and would become law June first. The public park law is also getting closer and they amended the martial aw rule so that they cannot seize you weapons and ammo if it is legally acquired during times of Martial Rule.

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