Taurus Brand


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I noticed that Taurus is comming out with the new slim line later this year. My question is what do you think of the Taurus brand? I know that the prices are not as high as some of the other brands on some products but over all what do you think of Taurus? Does,{ You get what you pay for apply to this brand?}
I noticed that Taurus is comming out with the new slim line later this year. My question is what do you think of the Taurus brand? I know that the prices are not as high as some of the other brands on some products but over all what do you think of Taurus? Does,{ You get what you pay for apply to this brand?}

Don't really know much about the semi-autos, but have owned a model 66 revolver. The revolver has served me well since I purched it in '04. A very reliable and accurate piece of equipment.

I ahve a 24/7 and a Mil pro PT140. both are great shooting and have never had any issues with them, other than getting used to the sights. I would rather shoot mine than my friends Kimber, smoother and better fit for me
You do get what you pay for

I love my Taurus 689 - Stainless .357 revolver with rosewood grips. Bought it used, tightened down the sights, and started blasting 10 rings. It had been neglected, but not abused.

However there are lots of Taurus haters out there. Some no doubt, date back to Taurus' rather well-known problems of quality control and reliability. But they have modernized, all CNC-machining now, i don't know. They do look great - except for the billboards on the barrel or slide. And yet there are still Taurus haters. Quite likely, they still make a bad gun once in a while and it is well known that a satisfied customer tells one or two people while a dissatisfied customer tells everyone he meets! The most common problem i've heard about on the 24/7 line, OSS line, and compact polymer guns is a tendency to misfeed. I wonder if opening the lips on the magazine a hair might not solve a lot of those problems, but if you send a gun back to Taurus, forget it a while - takes months for the Customer Service to actually service the customer.

It's a cheaper brand, no doubt. So do like you would any gun - handle it. Examine the fit and finish. How well does the slide fit, slide, does it bind? Does the cylinder turn smoothly, no play, no slop? How is the barrel fit? Etc. etc. etc. When it's over, you still have to decide if you're comfortable paying less than for the competitors brand on what might be a bargain, or might be a can of worms.

Take Beretta. Taurus bought their factory, and some would say even improved on the Model 92 design. By most accounts, those Taurus PT92s are some doggone reliable and good looking pistols. But they still aren't a Beretta. For an extra hundred fifty or so, or about 33% premium, you can have a Beretta.

Me, i'm a mossberg, marlin, Traditions, Taurus kind of guy. So why do i also own SW, Savage and Beretta? lol
Over the years I have had very good luck with their revolvers but had some problems with their autos. I would not hesitate getting a revolver form them I may how ever think twice about the auto JMO
I used to have a Beretta 92FS. My brother has the Taurus version and it's way more accurate than my Beretta ever was. I sold the Beretta; he still has the Taurus and uses it in handgun classes.

I have the PT1911 and it's a very nice pistol. The finish is awesome, it's been 100% reliable and it's very accurate. It may not be a Wilson, Baer or Nighthawk, but I'd put it up a against a Kimber, Sig, or Springfield any day (and I'm a big fan of all of those companies).
Hello everyone. New here and as I have been lurking it has been great learning from everyone in addition to being entertained.
Since this is about Taurus I have a question. Got a Taurus Judge Ultra-Lite for the wife/home protection but she may end up carrying it. Shoots great and is definately fun.
The cylinder was seizing up. Thought it was the ammo but aparently not. Might be the timing. Sent it to Taurus. They got it on Feb. 23 and today they said I should have it back in my hands next week.
Does anyone know if there are problems with this particular model? Not sure what the problem actually is but they should let me know as soon as they get to it. Thanks all
Taurus Quality

Capgun - the way these are flying off the shelves,i'd say they are well received and well liked. I'm no gunsmith, but I'll bet it's not too serious or difficult for the factory to correct.

Darrel - you really like their 1911? Which version do you have? I've been waffling on buying one for over a year - no collection is complete without a 1911, and Taurus claims they put lots and lots of features/hand fitting into theirs. I've heard of problems with the safety, slide being too stiff, but nothing major or devastating, and a number of folks say it shoots pretty straight - some claiim it will outshoot their Kimbers and Commanders. Is yours one of those "I LOVE this gun!" endorsements, or not quite so much? Just curious. Thanks in advance.
It's the PT1911 in black. It's the one currently featured in a lot of their ads where they show all the extra features that come standard.

It's definitely one of the "I love this gun" pistols. I really like the Kimber 1911's, and I could afford one, but I can't justify it in my head when the Taurus functions and shoots so well.
I have had a Taurus 99 for over 20 years and it shoots great. I have used it at Front Sight a couple of times and never have had a problem with it. I wouldn't bother me a bit to own another Taurus.
Taurus Quality

Daugherty- I am inclined to agree with you. Was visiting daughter in Mass. and stopped by gun shop there. He told me if he was allowed by the state to sell Taurus he would have sold 35 Judges in last 2 mos.
As far as a 1911...I don't own one , yet. Although expensive I would be looking at what I think what is the best out there. Kimber,Springfield Amory or Sig. Since I do not have one I am interested in what others advise. I do have a Glock 17 and just got an HK USP compact in .40 S&W. The first shot out of the HK I said to myself " This was worth it!"
Just on the basis of the way they wrote their users manual I think I would have bought the HK.
As far as the Taurus Judge. It is a fun gun to shoot and the wife did very well with it. So, I hope you are correct and not a major problem. Will post the results here.
Again thanks to everyone here. Great site and informative!
I own several Taurus firearms. They're fine. My first Taurus is a six round 66 that's still going. I bought that back in 1990. The only semi-auto Tauruses I like are the Beretta 92/96 clones with the slide that does not expose the barrel; (PT-908, PT-911, PT-940 and PT-945).

My favorite revolver is the Taurus 651 which is their clone of the S&W Bodyguard.
the general opinion in my gun shot by all of the sales associates is that they make very nice revolvers but the autos are pretty shitty. i personally know of a friend of mine who bought one and the first time he took it to the range it broke, 3 shots in and he had to send it out. the guys at the store were not surprised at all. I.MO for around 400 you can find a glock that will be more than reliable to you than any taurus ever would
Got my Taurus Judge back from mfr. today. Haven't shot it yet. They said problem found. Cylinder adjustment was listed as what was serviced. Guess it was the timing. Love this gun. Alot of fun. I do like their revolvers but would personally go to others for semi's.
I have a PT-145. It's a good gun and worth the $400 that I paid for it. Shoots great, fit and finish are good and completely reliable. I carry it on a daily basis.

If I could, I'd carry my 92 everywhere, but it's just not practical. I've never tried the Taurus version of it.
Got my Taurus Judge back from mfr. today. Haven't shot it yet. They said problem found. Cylinder adjustment was listed as what was serviced. Guess it was the timing. Love this gun. Alot of fun. I do like their revolvers but would personally go to others for semi's.

I own 3 of their semi's sold my beretta to get my current 24/7, Id much rather shoot the 24/7

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