Taurus 709


New member
OK, so how about some feedback from the experts on this one. Taurus just came out with a new smaller 9mm. It is a 709 and it's pretty small compared to my Glock 19. What's everyone's thoughts on Taurus guns? What about your thoughts on buying a new model for conceal carry in the summer? Is it something I can count on? It runs about $350.
Not an expert but just got one.
The grouping is excellent at 7 -10 yards.
Trigger pull is longer than I expected.
Taurus says its a single action but it is double action.
Didn't have any FTF or FTE or any malfunctions.
Shot 100 rounds each with Winchester, Blazer Brass and Wolf (115 gr FMJ)
(A little snappy with the Winchesters)
Got some Federals I want to try and looking at getting a shipment of Bear to test too.

Still like my Makarov 380 better but ammo harder to come by now.
The weight, safety, and size of the slim is awesome.
It's what I wanted in 9mm ~20 years ago for CCW.

I am shooting about 1" low and the sights are adjusted all the way.
Plan to write to Taurus to see what they say.
I would rather it have night sights but we'll wait and see.
Mostly good

I've stated all of this in a different thread already but...

My Taurus experience started with the 1st generation of the Millenium series when I picked up a PT140 Millenium. It took a couple hundred rounds to get broken in. Had a couple hick-ups during that first 200 rds but after that it seemed fine and reliable. Times got tougher and I got rid of it...

...Then I was back on my feet again and missed my gun. I went to get another, but by now Taurus had made some improvements and the series was re-released as the Millenium Pro. I stuck with the .40 S&W caliber and now had a PT140Pro. I still carry it. From the 1st shot to the now 2000th+ I haven't had a single malfunction, FTF, FTE, or otherwise. I keep it clean but carry it daily and it has NEVER ONCE FAILED. It's even been dropped 3x now. It does feel like it's better-made than the 1st generation Millenium I had.

I chose the brand for both price and style. I chose the style specifically for concealed carry - it's slim, VERY lightweight, satisfactory capacity, easily stripped, and I like the high vis combat sights. My only complaints about it are: 1) the long, not-so-smooth trigger pull, and 2) has a longer trigger reset than I like. I was told that a gunsmith might be able to smooth the trigger pull some.

You're not likely to make consistent head-shots at 50yds with it. It's plenty combat accurate but I haven't kept the tightest groups with it. I've heard many people say it's got a lot of snap and is a lot to hold onto when firing. I find it very managable but I learned that, at least in my case, I needed to keep a tighter grip on it. With a nice tight grip, I find it delightful to rapidly fire.

Unfortunately I've also heard several Taurus stories that strongly contradict mine. Some have had real probs with their Taurus but most are happy with theirs. I think Taurus' quality is only improving with time. I also have a Taurus 851 CIA that I've been 100% happy with. So place your bets I guess!
ive had mine for about two mionths and love it... fun to shoot and easy to conceal carry.
i didnt have a problem with it snapping then again i have somewhat large hands... at 15 yards i was 6 inch's to the right but after adjustments she was spot on up to 50 yards lol i even tried it at 100 yards and it was around a 12 inch grouping.
ive had mine for about two mionths and love it... fun to shoot and easy to conceal carry.
i didnt have a problem with it snapping then again i have somewhat large hands... at 15 yards i was 6 inch's to the right but after adjustments she was spot on up to 50 yards lol i even tried it at 100 yards and it was around a 12 inch grouping.

Wondering if you shoot on a bench, supported or free standing? I can't get mine to group within 6" at 15 yards. It really starts diverging at 10 yards. I can't even see the target at 25 yards, the 3 dot sights block my view.

So far I've shot next to 400 rounds. Had problems with the slide/trigger reset button.
Gets dirty and sticks after a few magazines.
Good cleaning has taken care of it so far.

Still shooting low but I think that is because I am not used to the 3 dot system.

I am not an expert but I like my Taurus 709 and am not sorry that I bought it. But my next pistol will hold more rounds than just seven. But for now I just carry an extra clip. I haven't had any problems with it yet. It is lite and easy to conceal..Cheers :biggrin:

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