Tattedupboy to overtake HK4U


New member
It appears that Tattedupboy is about to over take me for the lead in overall posts. In honor of the event I would like to congratulate Tatt in advance on this milestone. To celebrate I think we should see if we can get mom of 3 angles to bake a cake.:biggrin:
LOL... I think Tatt has been on a mission to overtake you for some time:wink:

By the way, the both of you are the two biggest "post whores" in these here forums:laugh:
I'll bring the candles. I know it's not a birthday celebration but I like candles on cakes, k? :lol:
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Wait a minute, now, if I had time to be on the computer all the time and not get any work done I'd be up there too :to_pick_ones_nose:! Get a job you bums..........just kidding. :biggrin:
Can we get a...who has the least???
seem's like i remember this cake and cookie debate before. maybe we sould have a poll.:yes4:
Well seeing that it is Friday, can I have a "few" Mai Tai's after work for these two instead of cookies and cake???
Where's tatt's post?. He should have one here, he's the host with about the most.:smile:

By the way HK4U, If you make it up to Michigan during the winter sometime i would be more than happy to take you out ice fishing.:smile:
Where's tatt's post?. He should have one here, he's the host with about the most.:smile:

By the way HK4U, If you make it up to Michigan during the winter sometime i would be more than happy to take you out ice fishing.:smile:

Thanks. I will keep that in mind. Of course my luck I will fall through the ice.:laugh:
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GCF, Candles? One for each post? Would resemble California's recent wildfires.

Aussie, OF COURSE you want beer. You have a stereotype to uphold.
In another thread I was volunteered to bring some venison, but one deer divided by USACarry's membership will mean VERY small servings.

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