Tactical Training in AR?


Charter Member
Anyone know where we can "further" our weapons training in the state? Personally, I think the current state law for CHL training is not only minimal, but lacking in a few things..I for one would sure like to learn a little more and develope better gun handling skills.
Hey, man. I'm in Fayetteville and I'm going to Ozark Sportsman Supply in Tontitown, AR for pistol training. The trainer's name is Mike Luttrell and he's certified by the NRA as a basic pistol instructor, and he's a competitive shooter. He teaches shooting skills ranging from basic marksmanship to advanced techniques such as high speed shooting, engaging multiple targets, shooting while moving, and using cover.

Lessons last 1 hour and cost $30, you bring your own ammo (about 100 rounds).

Their phone is (479)361-1200.

Hope this info helps.

BTW, if you've never tried it, I highly recommend the free open-air range out in the Hobbs state park up by rogers. It's really beautiful up there. You'll want to get there before noon if you don't wanna wait for a place though...

best of luck,


Anyone know where we can "further" our weapons training in the state? Personally, I think the current state law for CHL training is not only minimal, but lacking in a few things..I for one would sure like to learn a little more and develope better gun handling skills.
Tnx for the info..am very familiar with Ozarks Sportsman..will give them a call! I don't know Mike but I know who he is.


Another form of Tac. training that is very popular is International Defensive Pistol Assn.(IDPA) competitive shooting in tactical situations. There should be a number of clubs in NW ARK. because it all started there.

Arkansas Combat Pistol League
Berryville, AR
2nd Sat.
Carroll Lawrence
Home: 870-423-2338
Gary Dunlap

Sturm's I D P A
Springdale, AR
every other Tues.
Steve Sturm
Work: 479-927-2244
Mobile: 479-871-4570

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