New member
OK - Well I was adding a Bipod to my model 70 Winchester with a synthetic stock. It attaches to the swivel stud on the forearm. By the time I got it tight enough to suit me, I had pulled the swivel stud out of the forearm. I found an article on the net that talks about milling out a space behind the torn hole and inserting a 3/8" square aluminum stock piece and then rebedding that aluminum stock. Drill and tap and then reinstall a swivel stud and better than new.
Questions. 1- Sounds reasonable to me - what do others think? How about a T-nut instead?
2 - Since this is not going to bed the barrel, shouldn't any epoxy that holds the aluminum bar stock tight be OK since that is readily available and I don't have to wait for an order of Acraglas?
3 - Any suggestions that do not require removing the stock?
Questions. 1- Sounds reasonable to me - what do others think? How about a T-nut instead?
2 - Since this is not going to bed the barrel, shouldn't any epoxy that holds the aluminum bar stock tight be OK since that is readily available and I don't have to wait for an order of Acraglas?
3 - Any suggestions that do not require removing the stock?