Suspect detained over 'extremist' bumper sticker.

The NRA is selling a gadsen Flag Shirt and Hat

I just got my NRA members catalog the other day and they look awesome!

Just got my hat in the mail. Had 3 people at the store say Great Hat. It was funny though, they whispered it in my ear. Hmmmmmm.
One, it was La.
Two, there's bound to be more to this story.
Three, an officer needs reasonable suspicion that a crime is, or is about to be, committed before stopping to detemine if there is probable cause for a search and/or arrest.
Four, it was La.
As a CCW permit holder I do not put bumper stickers, NRA decals or any other stuff to indicate that I might be armed. Just a plain old senior citizen.
may shed some light on what's happening:

DHS Report on Right Wing Extremism

I'm white. I'm a member of the NRA. I believe in limited government. I feel that I'm entitled to keep what I make. I have a CWP. I believe in the RKBA.

After reading this report I am certain that I am listed on several lists as a "Right Wing Extremist" and possibly a "Terrorist Suspect."


Joe, I understand! I am all those things + 30 years military service. Now if some dipwad considers me a threat to the United States of America, so be it!
I know lots of cops. All of them are pro gun, pro concealed carry, pro NRA, and most like Sarah Palin. How do you guys find these other cops?
An historical Colonial flag is extremist and subversive. If it is a bumper sticker.
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In order to have "gun control" that satisfies the Brady/Bloomberg bunch all you have to do is destroy the First, Second, Forth, Fifth and bend the rest of the Constitution.
No guns, no ammo, both are "arms" and so are swords, kitchen knives adn axes.
No books that show you how to make those things. And no history books that might envourage you to make those things either.
No privacy for your person, property or possessions and papers.
And ifd asked, you'll have to confess that you have the contraband.

Should make any dictator happy.
I know lots of cops. All of them are pro gun, pro concealed carry, pro NRA, and most like Sarah Palin. How do you guys find these other cops?

Not knowing where you live ...... Try Washington state, we are full of liberials, feministes, and police that pop their top and shoot people.

I moved out here in 1982 after I got out of the US Navy and married, had two kids, if it wasn't for my kids I would have moved long ago.

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