Student Vigilante Group Armed With Guns Searching For Bad Guys Near UW Campus


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Student Vigilante Group Armed With Guns Searching For Bad Guys Near UW Campus
A group of University Of Washington students are being called vigilantes after they armed themselves with handguns and tried to set up patrols on University Avenue and other areas around campus where students have been attacked over the past year.

Q13 FOX News Web Reporter

10:07 PM PDT, October 27, 2009
SEATTLE - A group of University Of Washington students are being called vigilantes after they armed themselves with handguns and tried to set up patrols on University Avenue and other areas around campus where students have been attacked over the past year.

Stanley Luong and Luis Garcia have armed themselves. Both are assault victims. Luong says, "Some guy just broke down the window, reached in and unlocked the door and came in and robbed us."

Garcia says, "Four men jumped out of a car. They assaulted me and threw my girlfriend to the ground and they attempted to rob me. Two times I've been jumped. I said it's not going to happen a third time."

So both got a concealed license permit and bought handguns. Now they walk with pistols in their pockets...looking for the bad guys.

Luong says, "I don't know if it's illegal to walk around and be bait. I'm kind of fishing for robbers."

Garcia says, "I believe the police they come after the fact. They aren't there when the incident is occurring I believe this is just the fastest means of protecting oneself and those around you… and so I decided to take that measure and execute my second amendment to bear arms."

According to the UW Daily Newspaper, there have been ten assaults and robberies in the area in just the past two months. The students also created a Facebook page with more than two dozen friends.

"I was just kind of sick of it and I watched a lot of movies like taxi driver and vigilante movies and I decided, why not make a Facebook" says Luong.

It was quickly removed but by then, the group was already together and remains loosely knit.

The University of Washington Police department doesn't think this style of vigilantism is a good idea. They would rather see the police work left to the professionals.

University Of Washington Deputy Police Chief Ray Wittmier says, "People when they are carrying weapons a lot of times they feel less vulnerable so they put themselves in bad positions sometimes increasing the likelihood that they might run into a bad situation."

It is illegal to carry a concealed handgun on college campuses in Washington. There has long been a move to change state law to allow it but so far it has not been successful.

Copyright © 2009

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Sounds like they are heading into all kinds of trouble. You don't go looking trouble you handle it when it comes to you!
Even if you do go looking for them you don't advertise it to the world.

That is Rule #1. Furthermore, while I commend their intent, these guys are setting themselves up legally in a bad way with almost any jury of sheep that I can think of.
well.. good for them for refusing to be a victim again. but come on. do they really think going out looking for trouble is a good idea? they should be smarter than that.
I'm a little concerned by the comments on here. My view of the prevalent opinion on this site is that we are all exercising our 2nd Amendment rights, but we criticize the most basic tenet of armed "local militia". Granted, I think these guys are in the wrong mindset. They DO seem to be looking for trouble, it seems, but why should we criticize those out to protect themselves and their neighbors? The police don't seem to be doing a bangup job. I hesitate to join the group hollering "VIGILANTE", but I find it hard to condone someone's actions because they watched one too many Charles Bronson movies.
I'm a little concerned by the comments on here. My view of the prevalent opinion on this site is that we are all exercising our 2nd Amendment rights, but we criticize the most basic tenet of armed "local militia". Granted, I think these guys are in the wrong mindset. They DO seem to be looking for trouble, it seems, but why should we criticize those out to protect themselves and their neighbors? The police don't seem to be doing a bangup job. I hesitate to join the group hollering "VIGILANTE", but I find it hard to condone someone's actions because they watched one too many Charles Bronson movies.

I'm all for taking care of business personally. But, as MadnMO said, they've already advertised their intent and I think that's gonna be a big problem if they drill someone. Heaven forbid they drill the wrong person! Either way, they'll have to deal with our admittedly screwed-up legal system and I wouldn't be comfortable predicting the outcome...I'd vote "not guilty" if they took out a bona-fide BG, but you know how sheep can be, especially as regards "evil" guns.

So,no, I'm not criticising those out to protect themselves (NEVER would I do that), just that they could have been smarter about it, maybe, I don't know..
Deliberately putting themselves potentially in harms way for purposes of improving overall safety of the neigborhood. I think they are pretty darn brave but maybe not using the best of judgment overall...particularly with their flapping of their gums which will likely cause them boatloads of legal trouble if they are involved in a situation. A vigilante takes the law in ones own hands. Walking down the street is not taking the law into your hands. Time to take back our country from criminals. Just because they are not "the police" doesn't mean they cannot long as they don't break any laws themselves. Not something I advise anyone I care about to do...but I commend these kids for doing it.
The fact is the police can not be everywhere. Many police departments are over taxed and more often than not their prime function becomes trying to catch the criminal after a crime has been committed not in prevention. Probably stating that you are trying to bate criminals is not a smart thing to do. Your mouth can often times get you in a world of trouble. On the other hand I see no problem in an armed "neighborhood watch". I give them credit for doing something rather than being just part of the sheeple.
The fact is the police can not be everywhere. Many police departments are over taxed and more often than not their prime function becomes trying to catch the criminal after a crime has been committed not in prevention. Probably stating that you are trying to bate criminals is not a smart thing to do. Your mouth can often times get you in a world of trouble. On the other hand I see no problem in an armed "neighborhood watch". I give them credit for doing something rather than being just part of the sheeple.

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with an armed "neighborhood watch" either, just not a good idea to advertise. IMAO.
Ok, so what about an "armed neighborhood watch"?

Suppose a group of CCW civilians DOES advertise that they're gonna provide this function as these kids have done? Illegal? If not, then suppose they all decide to wear identifying signia, like an arm patch? Still legal? Anybody remember the Guardian Angels in New York City years ago (think it was NYC, anyway)? To my knowledge, they weren't armed, but provided the same function. To this point, I think the group would be OK.

Two things come to mind: 1) Intent - If they are just patrolling and this keeps BGs out, I don't see a problem. If they are "baiting" BGs, possible problem, IMO. 2) Action - They shoot a BG. I'll assume it was legitimate but I don't know if it will play out well for them in the legal system. This is the "sticky wicket". You know LE would have a problem with the whole thing as this infringes on their "turf" but I could care less. I'm concerned with the legalities. These kids, and any such group, need legal counsel BEFORE something happens.

Frankly, tho, the idea is starting to grow on me. It occurs to me that this could be the beginning of the "armed militia" that we all discuss.

My .02 cents.
Georgia Tech students have been victimized a lot this year, shot, robbed, otherwise assaulted. The predators know in GA you cannot possess a firearm, even with a permit, within 1000 feet of a college campus. GA Tech is a great school, but right in the middle of downtown Atlanta...... a really dangerous place.

In my opinion, the best thing to do is try to avoid problems by staying out of bad areas after dark, using common sense, and being armed legally just in case. Most of the students, but not all, who were attacked were walking off campus, late at night. I wouldn't do that even while armed unless it was very necessary. Walking to the Varsity for a hot dog would not be "necessary."

The fact that the Washington students have advertised they were looking for the bad guys will not help them in civil court if they shoot someone, and they WILL get sued even if it was a good shooting.
It to me is amazing how people can be so predictable. I think they need a spokesperson, as advertising "I like taxi-driver, and vigilante movies" don't make people feel good.

How about something along the lines of:

We as students of ______ are tired of living in fear, we have armed ourselves, and are prepared to protect ourselves, our fellow students, and our teachers. This is NOT an act of vigilantism, rather a counter act to the aggression and crime we have been forced to live with. We are armed, and we want the bad guys to know it.

Its all in the spinoff..