Strange Day

Hey guys,

Soooooooo I come home from the range this past Saturday and I get handed a letter with my name on it. It didn't have a return address on it because it was not mailed (it was just dropped off). I opened it. It was a Firearms permit application. It was one from my local PD, I could tell because certain points on the application where highlighted (I have seen these before at the PD). I don't know what to make of it. I went down there to ask about if they were now dropping them off. They said no. My permits are not expiring (I have 4 years left before that happens). I don't know what to make of this? I am just going to apply for the Class A now since I have a B and pray for the best. I hope I don't get denied. Anyone else seen or heard about this?



Wow, that was weird. You should have asked if you could reapply for Class A. Never hear of the police dropping off applications either.

Wow, that was weird. You should have asked if you could reapply for Class A. Never hear of the police dropping off applications either.

Oh I am....I am also writing a letter to the Chief (even though it isn't required). Also having my references write a letter of recommendation stating I am a responsible person. I have no clue how it is going to go. I sent an email to the Det. who is in charge of the firearm licensing in my town. I wonder what he will write back. I hope I don't get denied

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