Stimulus Checks Should be Spent on New Guns, Ammo

mom of 3 angels

New member
Now here's a good idea!

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Citizens Committee for the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005

For Immediate Release: April 10, 2008

BELLEVUE, WA – Americans should “let the government buy your next gun” by spending part, or all of their economic stimulus checks on a new firearm, ammunition or shooting accessory, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Economic stimulus checks will be going out in the mail this spring as an incentive for American citizens to go shopping to help boost the nation’s sagging economy. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb thinks it would be a boon to America’s firearms industry for that money to be spent on pursuits guaranteed by the Second Amendment, while also providing jobs and paychecks, and creating new jobs for people in the industry.

“This is our money, anyway,” Gottlieb said of the stimulus checks. “If we weren’t paying it in taxes to begin with, it would still be in our bank accounts and wallets, and we would already be spending that cash on a new rifle or shotgun, perhaps a new handgun and ammunition, shooting accessories and other equipment.

“Set some cash aside to buy gasoline for a trip to the range,” he added, “and don’t forget that with every firearm and ammunition purchase, Americans contribute to the Pittman-Robertson federal excise tax program that supports state wildlife agency programs, including hunter education. Not only will these purchases provide a much-needed boost to the gun industry, they allow gun owners an opportunity to take more than just a symbolic swipe at anti-gunners and anti-hunting groups.”

Gottlieb also suggested that firearms retailers consider offering special discounts to customers who use their stimulus checks in their stores.

“These checks should help pay for a lot of new guns and gear,” he said. “We think there are few better ways to celebrate our fundamental right to keep and bear arms than to spend your money where it matters the most: At your local gun shop or sporting goods store.”
That's good idea. I'd planned on buying a new weapon with mine anyway. The problem is the Liberal Media won't report on it.
I wish I could, but probably not. My son is getting married as soon as he gets discharged from the Marines at the end of the year. Our cost will me somewhere between OUCH, and BOING! At least it's the last wedding (2 daughters already hitched). Maybe I can start saving for that 3" SP101 I want.
Beleive me, I would really love to buy a new gun with my check. But I got too many things going. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's pics of thier gun's bought with it, though.
Excellent idea.

I think I will. I have been planning on spending about a grand on guns when I get home and if I get more back via this stimulus rebate I will need to use some of that to buy a ton of ammo, holsters, etc.
Good idea, but I don't think I can convince my wife of that. Specially since I just bought the Sig p250 and my wife says the next gun we buy is hers. I would get nothing out of the money. :D
I'm mine will be offsetting some of what I owe in taxes. I guess technically I've already spent it with the S&W 642 for my wife and a Ruger P89 for me, plus LOTS of "getting aquainted" ammo.
Ok you twisted my arm! I guess I can go get a new firearm! lol just kidding. Thats been my plan since I heard we were getting the checks! That money should go a long way to helping me complete my 6.5 grendel AR upper.