Stepped into the world of bullet making....


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I placed my order today. Here is what I ordered....

Lee Lube and Size Kit 452 Diameter $14.29
Lee Commercial Bullet Mold Handles for 6-Cavity Lee Bullet Molds $12.49
Lee 6-Cavity Bullet Mold TL452-230-2R 45 ACP, 45 Auto Rim, 45 Colt (Long Colt) (452 Diameter) 230 Grain Tumble Lube 2 Ogive Radius $36.49
Lee Lead Dipper $3.89
Lee 4-Cavity Ingot Mold with Handle $9.89
Frankford Arsenal CleanCast Lead Fluxing Compound $10.29
Lee Pro 4 20 Lb Furnace 110 Volt $62.99
Frankford Arsenal Drop Out Bullet Mold Release Agent and Lube 6 oz Aerosol $9.89

Total ... $160.22 plus shipping

I should have it by the 22nd so I'll post some pics once I have the operation up and running. Whoohooo can't wait.
I've been thinking of trying that out, but after spending a bunch of money on reloading equipment to get started recently, gotta wait a bit to save up some cash. The price seems pretty good for a little over $150. I guess it's a really good investment, because if there are no bullets anywhere to buy, you can always start swiping lead weights from car wheels as a last resort of course and keep shooting! lol I'd be interested in hearing how you like it once everything comes in, maybe I'll get something like that sooner rather then later!
Glad you got everything on order, PB. You'll have a pile of bullets to use in your reloads in no time. You'll really enjoy casting bullets. I know I do...
I've been thinking of trying that out, but after spending a bunch of money on reloading equipment to get started recently, gotta wait a bit to save up some cash. The price seems pretty good for a little over $150. I guess it's a really good investment, because if there are no bullets anywhere to buy, you can always start swiping lead weights from car wheels as a last resort of course and keep shooting! lol I'd be interested in hearing how you like it once everything comes in, maybe I'll get something like that sooner rather then later!

I'll post some pics and a write up once I get a few batches done. I have a buddy in the car industry and he gave me about 70lbs of wheel weights for free. Talk about a score!! So at 7000gr per pound thats 490,000 grs of lead and at 230gr per bullet I should get just about 2100 rounds.

I figured normal cast bullets, when you can find some, run about $40 per 500. So 2100 rounds would work out to about $168. After doing the math it just made since to buy the casting equipment.

I'll keep you posted.....
Glad you got everything on order, PB. You'll have a pile of bullets to use in your reloads in no time. You'll really enjoy casting bullets. I know I do...

Thanks Red Hat. I can't wait to get started. I've already started working on getting some more wheel weights.

Great now I'm a brass AND lead whore!!!!!!!! :hang3:
I just checked UPS's site and it looks like my casting equipment will be in tomorrow. I was able to round up almost 125 lbs of lead so I should be set for a little while. I'll post some pics once I get everything setup.
If you use tire weights, try this tip. I found a mom and pop tire shop and get the used tire weights for $40 for a 5 gallon bucket. Have someone help you because they weigh about 200 lbs/bucket. You can make a BUNCH of bullets out of that. Just throw them in your melting pot, the metal clips float to the top, spoon them out, then cast up your ingots for use later. It takes me about 3-4 hours to melt down a bucket of weights, then I have about 150-160 lbs of ingots for use. Don't forget to flux and have a fan close to the melting pot to get rid of the fumes, but it is a cheap and simple way to get lead. I have hundreds of 9's, 45's, and 40's ready for loading and they all function quite nicely. Went to a gun store yesterday and they want 15 cents PER BULLET. What a good deal that would be, huh?

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