St Louis County


New member
Hello, new to the thread! I just applied for my CCW permit at St Louis Co headquarters. Guy said they have 45 days to approve it. I was wondering, from any members with experience, how long I can realistically exect a turnaround to get approved? Couple days, weeks?
I live in Jeff county but my buddy applied for his the same time as me in STL county and both of ours took a week. The only problem he said you had to go (in Clayton) in the same line as the sex offender registration for background check or fingerprints (if I recall correctly). Kinda funny though
Don't know about StL, but here in Crawford county it only took a couple of weeks. I think what they told you may have been the limit, not actual time.
they are to tell everyone 45 days, but honestly it takes anywhere from 1-2 weeks, i have heard of folks with a military clearance it taken around 7 days or less.

hope this helps,

Stay safe.

I live in st. louis county an it has been a week an no letter yet!if u have a clean record ur approved u just have to wait!an there is no free to renew if u live in st louis county!
I live in Jeff county but my buddy applied for his the same time as me in STL county and both of ours took a week. The only problem he said you had to go (in Clayton) in the same line as the sex offender registration for background check or fingerprints (if I recall correctly). Kinda funny though
Reminds me of when I was diagnosed one of the three cops diseases, TB. I had to go to STL county hospital to the communicable disease clinic for my check ups, x-rays and prescriptions. Wednesday Night was the VD clinic. Lots of good looking women........ scary.
Mine was 9 days from the time I paid and after you go down to pick it up you have a limited amount of time to hit the license plate office to get your CCW in the form of an id card or on your drivers license. If a cop takes your license on a ticket and that is what your CCW was put on then you have no CCW permit to carry with you so you get it on an id card. The CCW will still show up when a cop runs your license.
Is there any way to check on the status? I have been waiting over 3 weeks... hoping it didn't get lost in the mail or thrown out. Thanks

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