Sources of meat


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Any fowl is edible but parasites are common...cook completely
Almost all mammals are edible but in regards to the Possum...I have to be pretty hungry and its gotta be cooked to a crisp to kill all the parasites.
Fish are another story...not all are edible.
Snakes edible but potentially dangerous...(must be skinned, gutted and have all venom glands removed on dangerous varieties)
Turtles, hard to clean...easy to cook
bugs...Usually a good idea to cook completely (Grubworms that are battered and fried taste like shrimp no kidding and don't ask just know that it was a missionary that taught me that)
All common pets can be eaten and there are many. in most areas you have farm animals that won't survive long anyway.
I told my wife that there is a special six shooter to defend my family.

Five shots for anyone who tries to eat my dog, and one last one for when I decide to!
Good Morning Festus

"Turtles, hard to clean...easy to cook"
Nothing better than turtles. I use to cut off their heads and dip in boiling water to remove the skin, and than clean them.
Now I just cut off the head, cut the body loose around the shell, it will be attached at the base of the tail, use a small hatchet, or cleaver to cut the bone attachment than the body will fold down and you will have one more attachment at the neck area.
Now remove the innards, skin, and breast plate.
Cut into pieces at joints and you are done.
My favorite is to make turtle soup, add water, tomatoes, green beans, peas, corn, cabbage, salt and pepper, simmer all day.
Remove the turtle meat, let cool, roll in flour, and fry in veg. oil till golden brown.
All we need now is a little home made bread.
Some of my other favorites are, coon, beaver, groundhog, crow, geese, rabbits, squirrel, dove, deer, frogs, crawfish, and forget the possom.
Don't forget... WTSHTF and ITEOTWAWKI

Soylent Green.

But be careful zombies and prisoners probably have AIDS and Hepatitis C
Just Like Sarah Proudly proclaims in Her book:
"I always remind people that there's plenty of room for all of Alaska's animals --- Right next to the mashed potatoes."
I don't know about the bug part... Big Bad A** Marine squeamish about bugs.....
I get hungry enough, I'll pretty much eat anything. Fortunately, I have sufficient body fat to hold me for awhile (part of The Plan) :laugh:

I always snicker at the rubes up here who won't eat rabbit or squirrel. Rabbit or squirrel?!! These are frickin' delicacies back home! Some folks are gonna be mighty hungry if/when the SHTF and they run out of Cheerios.
I have had rabbit but not in a long time From what I can remember it was not bad. Now eating bugs that might be another thing. I might have to become a vegetarian.:biggrin:
Dont go knocking possum,,,LOL,,,rabbits and squirrels are good,coon is a little bit greasy,beaver,well ,,,,,I wont say anything about that,,,I've had my share of crow already,,dont care to eat any more of that. I was raised around enough cajuns that not much is safe when it comes to eating.
I have had rabbit but not in a long time From what I can remember it was not bad. Now eating bugs that might be another thing. I might have to become a vegetarian.:biggrin:
Timon the meerkat and Pumba the warthog eats bugs, don't they???:biggrin:
I'll save my share for them in case they get hungry.:laugh:

Gotta fatten up Poombah before his debut on my dinner table. :biggrin: While on various military exercises, we've eaten anything from Mynah birds and Cattle Egrets to Mongoose and feral cats. One of the guys joked that he felt like "Alf" when we ate the cat. Meat wasn't too bad considering we boiled the crap out of it and made a fairly nice size pot of soup.

When you're hungry, just about anything tastes good.

Gotta fatten up Poombah before his debut on my dinner table. :biggrin: While on various military exercises, we've eaten anything from Mynah birds and Cattle Egrets to Mongoose and feral cats. One of the guys joked that he felt like "Alf" when we ate the cat. Meat wasn't too bad considering we boiled the crap out of it and made a fairly nice size pot of soup.

When you're hungry, just about anything tastes good. gf
I ate mice, snake and cat's meat when we went to HK -- compliment of a friend who was a chef there...I didn't know until we were back home much, much, much later when I was told -- to late to throw up. The snake was prepared like jerky. I didn't know what to think...:bad:
Any fowl is edible but parasites are common...cook completely
Almost all mammals are edible but in regards to the Possum...I have to be pretty hungry and its gotta be cooked to a crisp to kill all the parasites.
Fish are another story...not all are edible.
Snakes edible but potentially dangerous...(must be skinned, gutted and have all venom glands removed on dangerous varieties)
Turtles, hard to clean...easy to cook
bugs...Usually a good idea to cook completely (Grubworms that are battered and fried taste like shrimp no kidding and don't ask just know that it was a missionary that taught me that)

I guess I've eaten just about all of that Festus. I've eaten bugs of various types when someone showed me how to cook them in a survival school. Not bad, some were pretty darn tasty.:wink: Really... they were. As for the rest of it, I'm from Louisiana. Cajuns down here eat anything that walks, runs, flies, swims, slithers, or is slower that the cajun trying to catch it. I've eaten coon and possum and it was good, but you have to know the secret to cooking them. If I walk out in my back yard, the word is: Moooooo!!! I have access to fresh beef, Chicken, and Turkey. Guineas too, if you can catch 'em. In addition, for now, the woods around my house are full of deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds or various types, and other assorted critters like you mentioned. You'd be surprised what people will eat when they are hungry. Which is why Cajun cuisine ended up using things like crawfish and nutrea. You can imagine landing here in the 1600's with nothing but swamps and mosquitoes and hurricanes. So crawfish and nutrea when you're hungry? Mmmmmm Tasty!!!
i wonder....

Any fowl is edible but parasites are common...cook completely
Almost all mammals are edible but in regards to the Possum...I have to be pretty hungry and its gotta be cooked to a crisp to kill all the parasites.
Fish are another story...not all are edible.
Snakes edible but potentially dangerous...(must be skinned, gutted and have all venom glands removed on dangerous varieties)
Turtles, hard to clean...easy to cook
bugs...Usually a good idea to cook completely (Grubworms that are battered and fried taste like shrimp no kidding and don't ask just know that it was a missionary that taught me that)

is there a website that talks about skills the missionaries need to survive in some of those places where tey are sent?
That is a great question!!!

is there a website that talks about skills the missionaries need to survive in some of those places where tey are sent?

This might take some research but man what a resource that would be...BORIS you have set me in motion on a mission! Dang It Man you know which questions to ask don't ya!
I live in South Louisiana. The Cajuns eat anything that doesn't outrun them. If it slithers, crawls, walks, runs, swims, digs, flies or acts like it's going to land, they have a recipe for it. My wife is true Cajun. Her Parents and Grandparents barely spoke English. She can cook just about anything and make a meal. Sometimes I just don't ask what it is. I just eat. But in a SHTF situation, she can make a feast out of a can of beans, Tabasco, cornmeal and something running across the property. Shoots it and cleans it too. You gotta love a woman like that. :man_in_love:
You makes me wonder - How many Patriots know how to kill, gut,skin and cook a critter? How many hunt? I consider these the most basic of survival skills.

Me, I like that old country song (Hank Williams Jr, I think): "A country boy can survive".
I have had rabbit but not in a long time From what I can remember it was not bad. Now eating bugs that might be another thing. I might have to become a vegetarian.:biggrin:

Do you know the definition of a Vegetarian? Bad Hunter!:wink:
I better not let my wife see me reading this topic. She won't eat beef that came straight from the butcher. I don't know where she thinks Walmart gets it from, but whatever. I've been trying to get her to try "weird" stuff for ten years now, I give up. I figure if it really comes down to it, she'll eat it if she needs to.