Some call it murder, others don't, do you?

Oregon Vet

NRA Life Since 03/1985
This is a thread that was going sideways in another thread, so I broke it off and brought it over here.

The comment and answer was:

Originally Posted by createdeemcee Link Removed
He wont hurt us, he has bigger fish to fry, his first task is going to be saving Healthcare, Millions are dying for free out there. Lets give them a chance. The supreme court ruling guarantees that. :no:
How about the millions of babies that he would kill?

Originally Posted by HK4U View Post
How about the millions of babies that he would kill?
Question (and this question changes what it means with all the different religions):

WHERE do the babies (the part of them that is immortal, the "soul") go from abortions or accidents or whatever.

Example: Where do their souls end up, those that are dead before they are ...say 3 years old. Where according to YOUR religion?

I don't mean to be offensive, it is a technical question. The answer will vary according to the religion.

And HK4U replied:
I believe that until a child reaches the age of accountability, in other words until he is old enough to know right from wrong and make a decission about his personal relation with the Lord he goes to heaven. There is no set age according to scripture as I see it but it can very.
I believe that until a child reaches the age of accountability, in other words until he is old enough to know right from wrong and make a decission about his personal relation with the Lord he goes to heaven. There is no set age according to scripture as I see it but it can very.

Then abortion is GOOD for babies, correct? The get to go to heaven without going through any of the crap most of us on this Earth go through before we die. We are talking about the BABIES, not the parents, doctors of any other people. Just the aborted, killed babies.

This question ^^ requires a YES or NO answer. Through no fault of its own, the baby ends up in heaven. GOOD or BAD for the baby?
Murder is murder regardless of what one's religion is. It shouldn't matter whether the person has been born or not. it's all immoral in the eyes of God.

That isn't answering the question, tattedupboy. Answer the question, is it good for the baby since it goes right to heaven?

It requires a YES or NO answer.
Then abortion is GOOD for babies, correct? The get to go to heaven without going through any of the crap most of us on this Earth go through before we die. We are talking about the BABIES, not the parents, doctors of any other people. Just the aborted, killed babies.

This question ^^ requires a YES or NO answer. Through no fault of its own, the baby ends up in heaven. GOOD or BAD for the baby?

No. You are reasoning logically to the wrong conclusion. God does not need the evil of men to accomplish his will or man to play god and decide who lives and dies.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Exodus 21:22-23
That isn't answering the question, tattedupboy. Answer the question, is it good for the baby since it goes right to heaven?

It requires a YES or NO answer.

I didn't answer the question because whether or not they go to heaven is not the issue. If it were, then euthanasia, abortion, and murder would not be as widely reviled as they are. But because they are, I consider them bad; whether or not they go to heaven is irrelevant, because they are going long before they should have. Say what you will, but aborting babies is subverting God's will.
I didn't answer the question because whether or not they go to heaven is not the issue. If it were, then euthanasia, abortion, and murder would not be as widely reviled as they are. But because they are, I consider them bad; whether or not they go to heaven is irrelevant, because they are going long before they should have. Say what you will, but aborting babies is subverting God's will.

Thank you. You seem to have made it quite clear that you are incapable of giving a YES/NO answer when one is asked about something concerning your religious belief. I have found (over the years) that many have that type of a problem when it comes to their religious belief. That's fine.
It is when I try to ask questions about "that" belief that I run into problems.

I notice on the video link in my Obama wants to give illegals drivers licenses. that Obama has a problem with that too.

Watch the 2nd one and you will see he keeps skirting the issue... then finally, after the narrator (whoever the guy is asking the questions) keeps asking him YES or NO? YES or NO. Finally Obama says; "YES, BUT..."

All that is required is a YES or a NO... no "buts" needed.

In Obama's case with the Drivers Licenses, we don't even need to look at that issue, those people are NOT even supposed to be here. They are criminals. If they come here legally, they don't have a problem getting a drivers license. Obama is (it sounds like to me) going to make them ALL legal. As in:If I make all these criminals legal residents, they will love me and vote for me next time.

Those people need to fix THEIR country instead of being parasites on the USA.

I'll bet if you were asked if you agreed with the above sentence you could give a YES or NO answer, couldn't you?

Have a nice day.
Thank you. You seem to have made it quite clear that you are incapable of giving a YES/NO answer when one is asked about something concerning your religious belief. I have found (over the years) that many have that type of a problem when it comes to their religious belief. That's fine.
It is when I try to ask questions about "that" belief that I run into problems.

I notice on the video link in my Obama wants to give illegals drivers licenses. that Obama has a problem with that too.

Watch the 2nd one and you will see he keeps skirting the issue... then finally, after the narrator (whoever the guy is asking the questions) keeps asking him YES or NO? YES or NO. Finally Obama says; "YES, BUT..."

All that is required is a YES or a NO... no "buts" needed.

In Obama's case with the Drivers Licenses, we don't even need to look at that issue, those people are NOT even supposed to be here. They are criminals. If they come here legally, they don't have a problem getting a drivers license. Obama is (it sounds like to me) going to make them ALL legal. As in:If I make all these criminals legal residents, they will love me and vote for me next time.

Those people need to fix THEIR country instead of being parasites on the USA.

I'll bet if you were asked if you agreed with the above sentence you could give a YES or NO answer, couldn't you?

Have a nice day.

Actually, I am quite capable of answering yes/no questions, as long as they're relevant to the discussion. As for your question as to whether it's a good thing that they go to heaven, it's always a good thing when someone goes to heaven. However, that does not make abortion any more right. It is an abomination, plain and simple, and whether or not the baby goes to heaven is irrelevant is discussing whether it should be legal or moral.
I am primarily right to life, with some exceptions. In the case of abortion, I believe it is wrong to use it as a form of birth control. Women today are far more educated and there are to many other forms of birth control measures to use. The exceptions for abortion would be pregnancy from a rape, pregnancy from incest and where birth would be life threatening to the mother. As for assisted suicide, once again it depends on the situation. I know that if I were to become a vegetable with no hope of cure I would want the plug pulled. The same goes for living with constant excruciating pain.
Political issues...

I keep finding these political discussions in all of the forums. When I first recommended that we start a "politics" forum I thought that would give a place for these to be posted. I guess we need to have a "religiion" forum???:confused:
Anything NOT related to firearms or concealed carry.

pretty much covers it.........:drag: