So How Long Did It Take For Your Permit to Arrive?


New member
I'm in SC and was told to allow for 3 months. Just figured that was "protocol" but given the leadership changing for the worse, I guess it may have everything backed up. It's going on 2 months now...
New Mexico-20 days

Check cashed on December 10 and had CHL in my wallet on Dec 30. Was expecting 60 days. Sometimes the surprise is good!

CCW Permit Turn-around time

In Arizona, AZ DPS by law has 75 days to process CCW Permit applications, but in actuality they move much faster than that.

Most students get their permit/CCW card within 2 weeks, provided there are no hang ups with fingerprint cards or backgrounds.
Arkansas Law gives the State Police 120 days to respond with the license, or a letter explaining why you didn't get it. I'm starting on week 5 of waiting and it's driving me mad.:shout:
90 days in SC is about right. It could go over the 90 day mark depending on how many have submitted their applications in the last few months. You could be pleasantly surprised and get it a little early also.
Arkansas Law gives the State Police 120 days to respond with the license, or a letter explaining why you didn't get it. I'm starting on week 5 of waiting and it's driving me mad.:shout:

Im in that same boat. From what the instuctor said, the hold up is at the FBI waiting on fingerprints..
Completed the class on a Saturday, mailed paperwork and money order on Monday, received license the following Saturday.

Yuma AZ
I had mine exactly one week to the day. In Minnesota, they are allowed up to 30 days. I was surprised at the quick turnaround.
Well this may suck to some people. Montgomery County PA...Dropped off Application to local PD on wed...picked up on thursday...dropped off at Court house....had it on counting weekend 3 days.
SC CWP Timing

I am now 11 weeks from the date my check was cashed and am still waiting. I am starting to believe the 90 days is real for South Carolina right now.
As I mentioned above, I received mine exactly seven calendars from application. My buddy apllied the day after me and has waited 16 days without a word about it yet. The issuing office has up to thirty days in Minnesota, but the clerk said it usually takes 2 - 3 weeks.
I just completed the class this past week and was told to expect 4-5 months due to layoffs and high demand
michigan law says up to 45 days.. mine took I think 52.. going on 6 years ago my utah permit took about a month.
Permit arrival

Here in my home state of MA, my original Class A LTC permit, 11 years ago, only took about 30 days to arrive. Subsequent renewals have come in about the same time. My NH non-resident took less than 10 days for the original as well as the subsequent renewal.
Boy,it is good to live in Washington County, Alabama. It took a total of about 15 minutes to fill out the application, and to have the plastic card with photo printed and issued.
I'm going to apply to get my CHL next week,they said the back ground check can take 60 day's any body else have a Texas CHL /how long did it take?

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